

The Clock in the Middle
The time between dusk and dawn,
The time between night and morn,
I travel beyond places unknown,

The time is now the time is wow
like how I mean like how
when I sink my teeth I howl
gold fiddle killed the golden fowl
and you think I really raised a stink theirs a reason my first woman was a fink
didn't think I'd make that link leave the mirror in the bathroom sink
gold metal and wink
got goal settle for me
love is free is what your thinking
but your thinking it leaves you stinking
gold mirror and the toxic goo
but it says it'll clean my shoe
what's a respectable man to do
your a spectacle too
testacle wound
don't keep keep that shit in your pocket
if you don't try it don't knock it
murder the rock is something I learned from Marcus go follow the honest speak from beyond us
and you think your gonna win the game you got fortune baby papers the same papers to blame you better make a window pane your gonna see how im insane rack my brain
gold fortune and the lions tame
food lions lying just the same