

Since the day I was able to eliminate the word expectation from my life, my life has become easier. Stop expecting anything from anyone. I repeat, give up expectations. Life will become easier. To make life easier, one cannot be overly dependent on anyone. When the person realizes that you are mentally dependent on him, he will play football with your trust and dependency. His neglect will make you miserable. So keep the dependency word only for yourself. Be humanly dependent on yourself so that even if the loved one leaves, there is no disruption in your daily work.

Life is one. Will not come back again and again. What is the need to live with so much pain in a life that can end in the blink of an eye? So get out of the relationship or job that you are not at peace with and who is making your life miserable. I find those who bite their teeth and maintain their relationship after many years of relationship, despite a thousand hardships. Can you tell the meaning of suffering in life and dying? Life will never be easy if you have a toxic relationship.

The more you hope for something, the more disappointed you will be. Whatever you get in life, take it as a bonus. You will see that the frustration is over.
© sabita_lvly_ghosh