

Mr. Wolf's Secret
Mr. Wolf's Secret

Once upon a time in a place called Imagination, lives a wolf named Miho. Miho is the leader of their clan. He is in charge for the livelihood of the clan.

One day while Miho is strolling outskirt of Imagination he spotted a jolly, tiny pig roaming around the area. The pig is hopping while chanting, "You can do it, Babi! Think carefully. Focus, Babi. You can find your way back home. You can do it, Babi!"

Miho stared at the hopping pig mesmerized by its jolly character. The pig caught Miho staring at her.

"Oh! Hello, Mr. Wolf," said the pig while walking closer to Miho.

Miho was taken aback by the innocence of the pig. Doesn't she know Miho might eat her?

After a few seconds of Miho being stunned by the tiny pig in front of him the pig snap her fingers and ask, "are you alright, Mr. Wolf?"

Miho gathered his thoughts, wore a smile and converse with the pig.

"Hi! Cute, little pig. How may I help you?" he started.

The pig smiled back and answer Miho's question.

"I am lost, Mr. Wolf. I came here with my friends, but I don't know where they are now. I can't find them."

"If you want, you can rest at my place for the mean time. I have lots of food. You can comfortably wait for your friends there," Miho offered to the innocent pig.

"Really? Oh! Thank you, Mr. Wolf. I really love eating," the innocent pig said while happily clapping her hands.

"Anything for a cute pig like you," Miho answered with a sly smile on his face.

On their way to Miho's house, the pig introduced herself.

"By the way, I'm Babi. What's your name, Mr. Wolf?"

"My name is Miho," Miho, the wolf, answered.

As soon as the two reach Miho's place, Miho pampered Babi lots of food.

"Wow! Thank you for your kindness, Mr. Wolf. You're the best!" Babi said with her two thumbs up and a big smile on her face.

Miho keeps on giving Babi lots of delicious and healthy food.

"Mr. Wolf, this is too much. I won't be able to finish it today," Babi said while innocently pointing a finger at the mountain of food in front of her.

"Don't worry, you can finish the rest tomorrow when you wake up," Miho answered.

"But I have to find my friends before the sun set," said Babi.

Miho smirked and said, "I don't think you can leave this place anymore."

Babi scratched her head and ask, "what do you mean?"

Miho took a small portion of the food and slowly lean closer to Babi. He fed Babi and said, "I'll raise you, for you will be my food in the future."

Although the pig is not willing, she has no choice but to obey Miho. At first she tried to argue with Miho. She even tried to run away, but there are so many wolves in the area.

Babi said to herself, "I'm doomed. My life is hopeless. There are only two options: leave this house and got eaten by the wolves outside or live a little longer by staying Miho's side and eat this food. Of course, if I will die, I'll choose to die happy and full!"

Days had passed and Babi got fatter and fatter. One sunny day, Miho released Babi. Babi wondered why Miho freed her. At first, she hesitated to leave the place, but in the end she convinced herself she should be happy and left Miho's house.

The other day, Babi realised that Miho got himself another pig to raise. Instead of being happy for her freedom, she felt sad and lonely.

Babi reunited with her friends. She told them what happened to her. She asked her friends why she felt that way. She should be happy for she is now free.

"Maybe you fell in love with the wolf," one of her friends said.

Later she realised that her friend is correct; she's in love with Miho.

The pig who was once jolly is now sad and lonely. She misses Miho. Little did she know Miho freed her because the wolf also fell in love with her and he wanted to protect her from his clan.

© Zi A., 2020