

twlight breaking dawn part 2: Bella cullen
On a dark cold snowy, clear night a full moon shining bright down on a planet called earth. In a abandoned small town called forks. After you travled long way and then cullen's house. On a large green screen they used for final battle. This is where 18 years old chris and bella, is tall and average. bella's long brown hair, and her eyes are crimson colour eyes. Chris average and tall with black eyes, in his rude and mean remark hey Bella how is your kid Nessie? bella rasied her voice. And her dark her lower eyebrows. She says You nicknamed my daughter_ after the loch-ness monster?, Bella looks hungry her eyes just turned black. Bella walks forward towards chris, Bella strikes chris hard in the face. Chris replied and yells Bitch! at bella, and he slaps bella across her face. Bella punches chris hard in stoamch and he falls down onto the snow. He stands up on his feet he walks to bella he punches bella with his right cross hook across her face, she is bleeding, dripping blood out of her mouth. Bella collapses to the ground, chris sits down on the snow. Bella is on her hands and knees he leans on bella, he whispers in her left ear hey i want get angry, really angry like you did the scene with taylor launter where you strike him and he falls down on the ground gave him. Bella whispered ok i will. both laugh quietly. After chris tied 2 both ropes on bella cullen's penis, Chris is on bella's back, he grabs a rope with both hands. She stabbing the snow with her bare feet, both hands. Bella grudges and aggressively and violnetly, try to throwing, and bucking chris off her back. But chris stays on her back like a POSTAGE STAMP.