


At dinner time, an awkward situation was going on between us. Yes, there was a new guest who came here. Dante was busy talking to my granny, while I was trying to avoid eye contact with Desmond. Yes, that guy I met in my room is none other than Dante's older brother, Desmond Blake. He is the guest. Desmond is a software engineer abroad, so he came to celebrate his vacation with family. Desmond was attached to everyone here, especially my grandmother. That surprised me. I didn't get the chance to meet Dante, now his older brother Desmond too. The problem is he saw me half-naked, it's embarrassing. So I slowly ate my food.

"Tria...," my granny started our conversation.

"Yes, granny?"

"Why are you so quiet?"

"Why? It's nothing."

"Maybe she feels jealous of me,

" Dan, that's not funny," I pouted.

"'CUTE,'" suddenly I looked at Desmond. Did he just call me cute? He avoided me and silently focused on food. Then soon I joined the chit-chat between Dan and granny.

The next morning, Granny took me out to the church. The car was driven by Desmond. It was really surprising to see him in the morning. While I was enjoying the scenery, Desmond and Granny were talking. We reached the church and prayed. While Granny was busy talking to the pastor, I walked towards Desmond. He was playing with his phone. Then I just looked at him and went to the other side of the church. It was a foggy morning on the island. Everywhere was fog, and I kind of liked this atmosphere. Everything about this island is pretty amazing. While I was walking, I saw an angel statue situated in the middle of the trees. I walked there with curiosity. "Wow," I exclaimed. It was the statue of Michael, the guardian angel.

Do Guardians exist? I thought. "I think maybe," I got interrupted by someone. It was Desmond. I was surprised to see how he read my thoughts. Seeing my facial expressions, he chuckled in front of me. I got angry, "you are teasing me again," I told him and tried to pass him. Suddenly he pulled me and whispered in my ear, "are you angry, Tria?" I didn't reply to him.

I was in a daze, still my heart beating crazily. The fragrance of his perfume engulfed me, and I tried to look at him closer. Compared to Dante, he is a breathtaking piece of art. Dante is a hottie, but Desmond has that seductive aura around him. His green eyes are very attractive. Then suddenly I was shocked to see that near his lips there was a black mole too. It was exactly like Dante's. I was shocked for a moment.

Hello, are you listening to me? he asked. Suddenly, I got away from him and walked towards the car. He was surprised to see me leaving him alone there. Then I saw Granny waiting for me. Desmond caught up with us and took us to the car. That day, I was fully disturbed about Desmond and Dante too. What's with this drama and destiny? Those moles are enough to kill my entire mood for a day!

One week has already passed. Next week, I will fly back to my home. During these days, I enjoyed a lot of things in my life, but an unexpected thing happened: Dante proposed to me. I was in shock, but he asked me for a date. I didn't give him an immediate reply; I told him I would reply later. Then my parents and cousins came to Granny's house because Granny wanted to announce something. I don't know what. As for Desmond, I feel so different around him. Whenever I am with him, it's very comfortable. It's like Desmond and I have similar tastes in everything. Even Granny teases us about that. Desmond knows everything about me, which is quite surprising. My feelings for him are different too. But I don't know if it's my one-sided feelings or if he is treating me like his own friend. What if everything turns awkward? Despite my confused mind, I come to a conclusion: yes, I will meet the lady in the love cafe.

Here I am, waiting for her to show up. I sit in the exact seat where I first met her and order the peach juice again. I look at the cherry blossom tree. People are still praying there. Unconsciously, I walk towards the tree and pray, "Please help me solve my love troubles." For the first time, I sincerely bow to the tree. I wait for her, but she doesn't appear. With a desperate mind, I sip my peach juice. Suddenly, I am interrupted by someone.

"What a coincidence. You like peach juice too?" I look at the person; it's Desmond. My eyes widen after seeing him. Then we have a conversation like this:

"Yes, but I didn't know you liked it too."
"Hehe~ What are you doing here?"
"Just passing some time."
"You were always with Dan. Now alone, is something going on between you guys?"
"Well... He kind of proposed to me."
"What?? Seriously? Then did you accept that?

No, I told him I will reply late.
Why? Don't you like him?
I don't know, I do like him but I am confused.
Pffft... You don't have any experience in relationships, right?
What? How did you know?
Well, I know everything about you, Tria.
Oh my, who are you exactly?
Your well-wisher.
Very well, it seems like you were in love with someone?
Yes, I am.
OMG.... Then tell me about her!
Hey, it's just nothing. She has forgotten about me, so it's just one-sided feelings.
How can you say that? Did you confess to her?
Because... forget it. Let's go home. I will drive you back.
He smiled at me. I find it weird. Then we both got into the car. It's a bit annoying that Desmond has a crush on someone. I am jealous. We reached our destination, but it's not my granny's house.
"Welcome to my home," Desmond greeted me. I entered an old-fashioned house. It was just in the compound of my grandmother's mansion. I didn't even get the chance to visit their home. I entered there. It was very cute; inside the hall, there was a small garden. Then upstairs, on the other side, was the kitchen and dining hall.

"Wow, your house is very cute," I told Desmond.

"I know, all thanks go to my dad," he smiled at me. "You just wait, I will bring something to drink," he went to the kitchen.

I looked around everywhere, then entered the stairs. There were three rooms. One was named Dante, Uncle Blake, Desmond, and another one seemed to be a little study room. With curiosity, I entered the study room. I saw a collection of all my favorite books and antiquities. Then in the corner, I saw a painting canvas and paint. "Wow! Someone is into painting too," I said. I saw the paints were mixed; however, the canvas was covered with a white cloth. "What is hiding inside of this canvas?" I thought as I took the cloth away...

Suddenly, I was frozen for a moment. What is painted in there? It skipped my heartbeat.

I put things back the way they were. At that moment, I felt so happy for no reason. I hurried over to Desmond, who was about to pour the juice into glasses. I looked at him slowly, my heart racing. I smiled at him, and he handed over the orange juice. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Des, maybe I should say yes to Dan?"
"Yeah, why not? Tell him how you feel."
"Okay, anyway, thanks for your advice."
"You are always welcome."
"Then, if we get along, I will help you to matchmake with that girl of yours."

He sweetly smiled at me, but I found that his smiling face was odd. Then, I soon said goodbye to him and walked towards my grandmother's house. This time, I made some decisions. That night, my granny announced that everyone in the family must go and visit the great love tree. That was a bit surprising because I didn't know that she also worshipped the tree. Then, everyone, including Dante's family, was also invited. That night, I held my necklace. This necklace, the tree of love, the love cafe, and the kimono lady, everything is connecting. Is it my destiny? She told me that when I experience these, only then will I know how deep these feelings are.

With a lot of confusion, I slept.

I had a dream that night. This time, in front of the great love tree, I was expecting someone. There was a guy near me with a black mole on the left side of his lips. I now clearly know that person. He kissed my hands again and told me, "I LOVE YOU... REMEMBER ME, REMEMBER OUR PROMISE." Then fog appeared, and I shouted, "Don't go." Then I opened my eyes.

I almost cried, but one thing I know is that I know him now.

The next day arrived, and everyone was ready to visit the great love tree. We entered the cafe and reserved our seats. I looked for the kimono lady, but she was nowhere to be found. I saw Dante and Desmond, and both of them smiled at me. Then we reached the love tree. There, granny explained how she met grandpa and how our family grew. The reason grandma met him was because of this love tree. She bowed to the tree. I was amazed to hear that.

While everyone was busy praying, I blankly stared at the tree. Then someone interrupted me.

"It seems like you were still in confusion, young lady," I recognized her voice. It's none other than the kimono lady. I was surprised. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Yes, I was searching for you everywhere."
"See, I told you, when you need me, I will be here. So what happened? Can't find answers?"
"It's not like that. But I know now who I am in love with. But the problem is why? Why didn't he confess to me?"
"So you are in love with him. Then why are you worried about that?"
"I don't know what to do."
"If you love someone, go and confess, then try to understand that person. You can't force anyone."
She smiled at me. "Thank you," I told her.

"Tria...." Grandmother called me.

Then the next second, the lady in front of me disappeared.

After prayer, we both returned to our house.

I was in deep thought, so to change my mood, I went fishing.
'You still love fishing?' I looked at the person who made the comment. It was Dante. I smiled at him. He came near and sat beside me. We didn't talk that much.

"Tria, so what's your answer?"

"Dan... I am sorry, I can't accept your feelings. You are my best friend. I never had romantic feelings for you. I am really sorry."

"It's okay Tria, I understand. But it doesn't mean we can't break our friendship." We both laughed at that.

I feel relaxed after so long. Now I am sure of my feelings.

"Hey, Tria, do you know tomorrow my brother is leaving for the USA."

"What??? So sudden."

"Yes, his vacation is finished. So he is returning."

I looked at Dante in disbelief. I know the exact reason he is leaving for, with anger and frustration.
I rushed towards Dante's house. Uncle Blake and Dante were in my house. So I am pretty sure about that. Desmond was there. When I got into the room, I knew exactly where he would be. He was busy reading something in the reading room. As I entered, the sound I made caused Desmond to look at me. I bet he was surprised to see me there. Then I quickly locked the door and looked at him furiously. Then we had a conversation like this:

"Wow, Tria, what happened?"
"You don't know anything about it, right Des?"
"Why are you angry? Besides, why did you lock the door?"
"Des, stop with your acting, I know everything."
"Tria, I don't understand what you are talking about."
"You don't know? You don't know, right? Then let me show you something."

I rushed towards the painting which was covered in a white cloth. I removed it and pointed there.,

"How in the world did you exactly paint my dream in this painting? Tell me, and you know that it's not just a dream. It's our memory from when we were together on that island in our teenage years. We promised each other we would meet again," I shouted at him.

Desmond looked at me with excitement. He closed his book and came near to me. He took my hands and kissed my fingers. I looked at him furiously, so he began to talk.

"Yes, finally you recognized me, Tria. Yes, I am the man you have been looking for for 25 years. I was near you, but you couldn't find me. Because of me, you despised our relationship and even love. I am so sorry. I wasn't that confident to come in front of you. I thought you were just passing time with me. But now I..."

"Now what?" I interrupted him. "You thought that I couldn't figure it out, didn't you? On the first day, I did. I have some doubts, but after seeing the painting, it's clear. Now you are leaving without saying anything, just like you did in our past. You thought I could mistake Dante as my partner, so you couldn't bear it and now you are running away, right?"
I burst into tears.

I saw the reluctant face of Desmond.
"Des, the truth is I love you and you love me too. Why can't you accept that?" I grabbed his collar. He looked into my teary eyes.
"You are a moron..." I opened the door and rushed outside. I couldn't see anything.

With a broken heart, I ended up in front of Love Cafe.

Now it's nighttime, less crowded. I stood in front of the great love tree. Then I began to remember my mischievous teenage years. It's true that I rarely came to stay with my granny. Then one day I met a guy, he is a college student. I don't know anything about him, not even his name. But the surprising thing is that we both have a common taste in everything. He was shy and introverted, but we began to get along. Then it ended up with us falling in love. On the day I decided to leave, we both promised that we would find each other. But years passed and I couldn't find him. Then after those years, I thought he had pranked me. But the problem is that he is hiding from me because he thought he is not worth me. Then after this reunion, we met. I figured him out, but he pretended he didn't know me. Then the painting is the proof.

I saw Desmond coming towards me. I avoided him and walked towards the great love tree. He walked towards me. Slowly he took my hands. Then I slapped his hands and told him, "Don't touch me." Then he forcefully pulled me closer to him. I struggled, then his forehead touched mine. I closed my eyes. His breath tickled me. His nose touched mine. I stopped struggling and calmly rested on his arms. I didn't even open my eyes because I was too afraid to see him.

Then we had a conversation like this:

"Why are you here, Des?"
"What do you think, Tria?"
"I don't know anything. You are a clueless guy after all."
"If you don't like me, then leave me alone. I won't bother you."
"Who told you that, Tria? I want you around. If I didn't, I wouldn't be here, right?"
"I don't trust you. Soon you will make me feel better and run away again, just like you did five years ago."

Tria, just shut up and listen to me. It's true I wasn't brave that time, but I didn't run away. To have you by my side, I need to have some confidence. That's why I hid my identity. I know you were the daughter of our landlord, but it's hard when you fall in love; you will forget about everything. I thought you were joking with me. But...

Des, you didn't even trust me, I know it. I opened my eyes and forcefully separated my body from him.

"Let's go home, I've had enough," I told Desmond. He looks frustrated.

"You..." He stopped suddenly, then dragged me towards the car. He pushed me into the seat.

"Wait, what are you..." I didn't get the chance to talk. He locked the car doors and drove wildly. He is driving dangerously. I began to shake with fear.

"Are you going to kill me? Just stop the car," I told him. But he didn't listen to me. He drove wildly.

"STOP IT!" I shouted at him. He stopped the car.
What's your problem? I'm angry with him.
You... He replied to me.
Okay, fine. I am leaving now. I tried to open the door.
Then he took the car. Finally, I reached my home. I got out of the car without saying anything to him.
It's like finally we are over. That night became my sleepless.

The next day, I felt sick. I knew he would leave today. So I deliberately rushed towards the love cafe. It was filled with people. I found a quiet place to sit down.
"Are you okay?" I was interrupted by the kimono lady. I burst into tears. She hugged me and patted my head, saying, "It's okay." I told her everything. Then we had a conversation like this,
"I can't believe him. Why is he doing this to me?"
"Give him some time. Maybe he doesn't have the courage to confess to you. You did your part," she smiled at me.
"I don't have any expectations," I smiled at her painfully.

Then she told me, "If you hold your feelings more strongly, it will definitely reach him," and kissed my forehead. I was surprised.
"What's your name?" I asked her.
"It's Miyuki......"
"Tria...." We were interrupted by a familiar voice.
"It's Desmond." I was surprised to see him. Did he chase me?
"Didn't he leave?" I asked with confusion. When I looked at the lady, she was already gone. Desmond rushed towards me, and to avoid him, I walked towards the other side of the cafe, which had a small, less crowded lake.
Suddenly, I was pulled by Desmond. I made eye contact with him, and just as I was about to say something, he kissed me. I was shocked. I wanted to push him away, but surprisingly, I didn't. Unconsciously, I wrapped my arms around him. He pushed my body into his and gently kissed me on my lips. Finally, we broke free. He still held my forehead towards him, and our noses touched.
Then he began to talk like this,

Yesterday, I was chased by you for confessing my feelings, but you didn't listen to me. All I could do was kiss you and ask you to come back with me.

"You don't know how much I've held back my feelings for you. You don't know how crazy I am about you. But I want to tell you, listen to me, Tria... I love you. I love everything about you. I don't care about your family or status. I need you. I want you to be mine only."

At that moment, I burst into tears and kissed him all over his face. We hugged each other. "Let's go and talk to your parents," he told me. "Yes," I replied to him. After that, we headed straight to our families. Desmond canceled his flight. We talked to them, and surprisingly, everyone agreed to our relationship. Days passed, and my grandmother told us to visit the great love tree. My entire family and Desmond visited once again.

I bowed to the tree and said my thanks too. At that time, I remembered the lady who helped. I told everyone about that, then suddenly my grandmother seemed to be in shock.

"Did you see her?" she asked me.

"Yes, she helped me," I replied to her.

Suddenly, my grandmother came near to me and kissed my forehead. "My child is blessed. Do you know who that is?" she asked me.

"If I remember correctly, she told me her name is Miyuki."

Her eyes widened. Then she pulled me into the inscription area of the love tree. She told me to look there, so I curiously looked.

- miyuki the legend of the great love tree

# **I was shocked to realize that it was her, the great Miyuki, all along with me. I held my necklace tightly. My tears came out suddenly. Grandmother told me she was the friend she mentioned before. At that time, Desmond came near to me. I held his hands and prayed to the love tree, "Thank you, Miyuki." Then a wind passed upon us, covering us in blossom tree flowers. Love Cafe still has to carry many love stories after all.

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