

The Writer
“A writer is someone for whom writing is more difficult than it is for other people”.
There are so many varieties of experiences in the world. As a reader I am going to
write something about the writer. To be a writer is not anybody’s cup of tea. A writer should
always be secular. A writer’s first wish is that whatever he is writing, he would praised not
condemned. A book is famous only, when it wins readers’ heart and a writer is famous
because of his book. A writer goes through so many obstacles and emotions in his journey.
But a writer has always fear that, what he is writing is good enough or not.
To be a writer you have to keep motivate yourself which is arduous. When you sit
down to write something and you have so many words in your mind to pen but after a few
pages you have nothing to left to write. You are not certain “what to write next”, so you
stop writing. You can’t finish what you start and you begin to judge your own writing; “What
people will say”, “What will be their reactions”. When you think more ridiculous about this,
you feel like you are the worst in writing and you stop writing at the fear of being rejected.
You “give up”.
A good book is the satisfaction of a writer, in which he thinks he is the complete
father of a child. He puts his own experiences through the book which can relate the real
event of reader’s life. He turns his blood into the ink through his nib and portrays the reality
of society and his nib that sword which fights against the cruelty of society as well as so
called customs and traditions.
The journey of a writer neither easily started nor ended. A writer wanders like a
thirsty traveller in his journey. He comes across fantasy and nightmares as well. After facing
all these, he touches the destination. A writer is openminded, disciplined, deep thinker,
optimist and influencer as well.
--- Carson McCullers.
© Ankita Padhi