

The Perfect Employee
Myron kicked off his shoes as he plopped down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Another day, just to get fired from another job. Myron grumbled to himself, it’s like he can’t find the perfect job for him. Maybe Myron wasn’t a good worker in general. Myron lived in a tiny apartment, it wasn't the best but it wasn't that bad either!

The next morning Myron was walking down the street in search for a new job. He saw the coworkers he used to work with in his last job before he got fired, which was a construction worker. The workers laughed at him.
“HAHAHA! Look! It's that poor hobo who has no job!” One of the coworkers grabbed a pile of dirt and threw it at his shoes. Myron rolled his eyes. “Ok, ok, very mutare of you guys. Wow.” A tall guy came up to the coworkers, “Get back to work you impertinent fools!” Myron tilted his head to the side.
“Ay,” one of the coworkers said. “I know the perfect Job for you!” They took out a crumbled up flier from their pocket, it had nig words in bold…` HELP WANTED.` Myron smiled. Myron snatched the poster from him.
“AY!” Myron started to read.
“Help wanted, come and work at Sea…Serenity, a seafood restaurant.” One of the construction workers gasped. They turned their attention to him.
“Have you not heard the rumors?” They all looked at each other, Myron then shook his head.
“I heard you can DIE, working there!”Myron scoffed.
“How the heck can you die by working at a restaurant!?”
“Beats me, But rumors goin’ around sayin’ there used to be an employee that works there! They say he broke the most important rule. After that he got fired, people say he slowly went insane, never to be seen again. Til this day no one talks about the Employee.” Myron lifted a brow, he did a little chuckle, and patted the hard hat on the coworker.
“Good uh…fairy tale there buddy. Not gonna lie you almost had me there for a second. But yeah ill be taking my chances.” Myron walked away.

taking another look at the flier. There was a part of Myron who believed these rumors were true. He just didn’t want to make himself look like a fool. Myron made his way to the...