

The Perfect Employee
Myron kicked off his shoes as he plopped down on his bed looking up at the ceiling. Another day, just to get fired from another job. Myron grumbled to himself, it’s like he can’t find the perfect job for him. Maybe Myron wasn’t a good worker in general. Myron lived in a tiny apartment, it wasn't the best but it wasn't that bad either!

The next morning Myron was walking down the street in search for a new job. He saw the coworkers he used to work with in his last job before he got fired, which was a construction worker. The workers laughed at him.
“HAHAHA! Look! It's that poor hobo who has no job!” One of the coworkers grabbed a pile of dirt and threw it at his shoes. Myron rolled his eyes. “Ok, ok, very mutare of you guys. Wow.” A tall guy came up to the coworkers, “Get back to work you impertinent fools!” Myron tilted his head to the side.
“Ay,” one of the coworkers said. “I know the perfect Job for you!” They took out a crumbled up flier from their pocket, it had nig words in bold…` HELP WANTED.` Myron smiled. Myron snatched the poster from him.
“AY!” Myron started to read.
“Help wanted, come and work at Sea…Serenity, a seafood restaurant.” One of the construction workers gasped. They turned their attention to him.
“Have you not heard the rumors?” They all looked at each other, Myron then shook his head.
“I heard you can DIE, working there!”Myron scoffed.
“How the heck can you die by working at a restaurant!?”
“Beats me, But rumors goin’ around sayin’ there used to be an employee that works there! They say he broke the most important rule. After that he got fired, people say he slowly went insane, never to be seen again. Til this day no one talks about the Employee.” Myron lifted a brow, he did a little chuckle, and patted the hard hat on the coworker.
“Good uh…fairy tale there buddy. Not gonna lie you almost had me there for a second. But yeah ill be taking my chances.” Myron walked away.

taking another look at the flier. There was a part of Myron who believed these rumors were true. He just didn’t want to make himself look like a fool. Myron made his way to the restaurant, he could tell he was getting close. He never smelt such a strong mouthwatering smell before. Myron arrived, he made it, to the restaurant. Myron couldn’t stop salivating. Myron ran inside the restaurant. He saw nice carved wooden seats, the tables were round, and they could spin! There was also another floor for people to eat and enjoy their food. “This is not what I had in mind for the restaurant to look like,” Myron said to himself. Myron had another pop up in his head. “If the kitchen is right there in the back… and the dining room is where I’m standing, then what’s at the back of the restaurant?” The dining room wasn’t even as big as the restaurant itself, why was it so huge? He saw employees serving people food.
“Why, hello there!” An employee said, she was wearing a black tuxedo and black pants. She stared at Myron, he was unsettled by the way she was looking at him. “Uhh,” Myron exclaimed. “I want to sign up for a”
“For a job! Follow me right this way sir!” Myron followed her silently. Sea Serenity huh? Well, Myron felt the exact opposite of serenity. They entered a staff room, there was a desk in a chair. “Sit!” The girl said. Myron slowly sat down in the chair. Another woman entered the staff room, but from another door that said. “THE BACK, professionals only” As the woman came in he heard someone scream.
“Ignore that.” The lady said coming to sit down at the desk. The other employee was excited out of the room. This woman was wearing jeans with a black shirt with two stripes on the end, she had puffy hair.
“Ok, name?” Myron froze. “NAME!” The Lady yelled Myron cleared his throat.
“Ah, yes, yes. Uhh, M-Myron.”
“Ok…” The woman said as she typed the name on the computer. “You’ll be put in training by the Scarlet. Myron perked his head up. “The girl who just exited the room.” Myron nods. “She’ll see how much of a good Employee you can be. Myron thought that something definitely fishy is going on here, and it wasn't just the food. Myron walked out of the staff room and met up with Scarlet. They made their way into the kitchen.

“Now,” Started Scarlet. “There are three branches you can work in, and only two ranks. The Ranks are Trainee, then, Employee. Now, of course, you are none of those things.”
“What are the branches I work in?” Asked Myron.
“Simple, You can either be Chef, Waiter, Or..the scariest Job…The Back. But you can’t work in The Back until you’re an actual Employee.
“Wha-what’s in the back?” Scarlet turned a cold eye at Myron. Myron went silent. “We do not trust you yet to…give you that information.” Myron nods. “What you do is pretty simple, just take people's orders, and write them down. I’ll be back! Scarlet walked off and interd. `THE BACK.` Myron definitely knew this restaurant was hiding something from him.


Scarlet made her way to The Back, walking down a long hall, each side of the hall that was a door that led to somewhere. Scarlet made her way to a giant door. She opened it as she walked through. Beyond her was a Giant, fat 32 foot shrimp, resting in water, alongside a Giant crawfish. People were feeding them plants.
“How many times do I have to tell you to not come here announced!?” One of the people said who was feeding the Crawfish. “You don't want Mother Shrimp and Daddy Crawfish to eat you now..do you?” Scarlet rolled her eyes and approached The giant shrimp.
“Mother Shrimp?” The Shrimp slowly turned around and looked at Scarlet. Her whole body shook the place.
“Wut?” Mother Shrimp said.
“Scarlet chuckled. Good thing the vibrations of your fat body did not reach the dining room.” Mother Shrimp scoffed.
“How dare you say that to me!” Daddy Crawfish spoke up.
“Do calm down Mother shrimp, You are quite fat.” Mother Shrimp scowled at Scarlet. “We are the bosses of this place! You dare insult me!?” Scarlet sighed.
“We have a new employee.” Everyone in the room went silent. “Excellent!” Mother Shrimp said. “We’ve been awaiting a new employee for a while. Scarlet nods her head. “The question is though, should we trust him with our secret, I mean, every employee already knows about it. How do you think this new employee will react if he sees an oversized fish?” Scarlet walked back out to check on Myron. Myron seemed to be doing just fine.
“Myron?” Scarlet said. “Are you ready for your training?” Myron looked confused. “I thought this was my training,” Scarlet smirked. “No, Follow me.” Scarlet took Myron to…THE BACK. Myron followed Scarlet into a room with a pool of water, he saw. “What is this place?” Myron asked.
“This is just one of the places we go to get our food to serve it to the next customer. He saw another employee jump into the pool of water.
“WHAT THE HECK!?” Myron yelled.
“Relax he’ll be fine. The protective gear he has on is strong enough so the octopus won't be able to damage him.” Myron put his hand against his head.
“Ok let me get this straight, this is where you get octopus? That’s not even an octopus that’s a literal sea monster!” A tentacle came up and grabbed Myron, it pulled him down into the water. “Oh gosh!” Scarlet exclaimed. “We can’t have you dying on the first day!” Myron was pushed down into the saltwater. Myron swam back up.
“No-no you can’t be serious! Why would people work here!? I knew you guys were hiding something! Imma tells the whole world about your secret!? You feed your customer sea monsters! Scarlet laughed.
“It’s not a sea monster-”
“Yes, it is! It just looks like an octopus!” Scarlet frowned.
“Look you can’t tell anyone about this I’m serious, Myron. It’s the number one rule here. Myron did a small gasp.
“Number one rule…” Myron had thought about the story of the employee that went insane. What has Myron gotten himself into!?.
“If I don’t want to work here..what will happen to me then?”
“Simple, we erase your memory! You’ll forget all about this place.” Myron scoffed.
“You can’t be serious!”

“Myron it’s going to be ok! You’ll understand more as you work here the more you’ll see why we’re doing this.” Myron climbed out of the water.
“Let’s get you dried off.” Myron didn’t know how to react, he was very confused, and still contemplating. Myron didn’t know what he had gotten himself into but he had to be prepared for anything.

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