

You are the only one||3||
( After part 2)

Dipti - look ... Did you lie down? Look Amu for so long she was not listening to any words. She didn't eat anything, I brought medicine but she shouldn't take it in an empty stomach ...
Tani - no, I don't think it is a big issues, I have just a fever. And I'm taking medicine right now.
Amu - on an empty stomach ...
Tani-- No, no, I ate
Dipti - She is lying. She hasn't eaten anything since morning. Today is sunday otherwise she would have gone to college if not Sunday.
Tani - no no
Amu - You keep quiet. I know you very well. When you have a fever, your love for study awakens.
Dipti - I have some office work, I'm in the next room. Please take care of her.
Amu - Well, you go, I see.
Tani - don't go di...listen... Dipti Di ... Didi ... Di ..
At that moment, Dipti left the room, her voice reach to her but she didn't stop she knows that the man who will take care of him is here now. So she smiled and left.
Amu came forward on foot towards Tanir's bed. That anger is in his eyes can be clearly seen. Tani is still afraid to look at those angry eyes.

Tani--dipti di
Amu: There is no point to call her. Your di has left you with me. There is nothing to do now ...
- What do you mean?
Without answering, Amu raised his hand to check her fever. She slipped away.
--What happened?
- Look, nothing happened to me. Dipti Di is thinking much. I am ok
- All right, come here. Let me check.
--Really. I don't have a fever.
- Why are you moving away if you don't have a fever? Why don't you let me see?
Tani sat down in a corner with his face down. Amu was standing on the edge of the bed and then sat up on the bed.
Amu - Well, I will not say anything. come here.
She is sitting in the same way.
Amu moved away by herself, came closer and put his hand on her forehead
Amu screamed as soon as he put his hand ...
- Tani! ... Dipti Di is not lying. You have a high fever ... Your body is burning with fever, and there is no end to Madame's stupidity.
- You said that you will not say...
--Shut up. I did not say I will not kill you. Let's go to the doctor now. No, no I should call the doctor to by phone.
- listen
--Shut up ...
--Deepti consulted with the doctor and brought the medicine.
--Oh yes. Where are the medicines? Take it for now if fever remain same then we will go to the doctor. Give me a thermometer first?
- let it go
Amu picked up the thermometer from the side tool. As soon as he was taken to Tani, she stopped him
Although she knew it would not be of any use but she said that she had a fever of one hundred and one.
Without hearing anything, Amu keep the thermometer in her mouth and looked at hos wrist watch.

Tani looked at his face for a minute with one glance. Ami break the silence.
- one hundred and one! It is only one hundred and four. What do you think, if you don't tell me, I won't know anything.
- Listen
- Absolutely silent. I'm am going to bring food. Lie down quietly for that moment
After a while, Amu entered with a plate of food.
She-- Amu Da I don't have appetite. Please...
Amu - You're talking again! I told you to shut up. Do you think I will listen to you? Open your mouth.
- I said Open mouth(in a threatening tone)
She open her mouth a little. Amu started feeding her.
-- Please no more ...
- Umm, open your mouth.
- I can't eat anymore. Please don't force me.
- All right, drink the milk and I won't say anything else.
--Who drinks milk at this time ....
--Those who are sitting with such a fever. You don't have eat enough food so you have to take this.
- No, I don't want. Don't you know I don't like milk at all.
- I know, that's why I will not leave it to you to drink ...You have to take it now. Come on.
Amu came close and grabbed the glass of milk in front of her lips. She was little shocked by such behavior. Her head is stuck to Amu's chest. Amur's breath is on her face. They have never been so close. A strange feeling started murmuring in her mind. Amu shook her head and said
--What happened. She came back to reality with her words.
After eating a lot, it rolled a little.
Amu - slowly ...
Tani - how can I drink slowly? You are forcing me to drink it.
Said that sad face, Amu smiled and said, "Okay, finish it."
She had to listen like an obedient girl.
Amu--That's like a good girl. Now be little good more and take the medicine.
Knowing that there is no benefit in saying no,she tried once because sometimes he likes Amu's angry face.
-- Not again! Not with the medicine ... I told you that you have to take the medicine. Take it right now. After give medicine Amu put her to bed.
- Now close your eyes. I am giving you a soft head massage
- No it's ok. I am fine
- Shut up and just close your esys. listen, there is no need to go to college tomorrow. You don't have to take classes in this sick body.
--But ...
- No, means no. I don't want to see you to go out of the house tomorrow. Otherwise it will be very bad. If you need the note, I will collect it, but you have to take rest.
- No, no, I will manage the note.
- All right. Now sleep and close your eyes.

Amu began to massage her head. Tani slept slowly. In her sleep, she unknowingly grabbed Amur's hand. Amu is looking at the sleeping girl with one glance. She wants to hug her but that time has not come yet.
After a while Dipti comes to the room.
Amu looked around at Dipti.
- Well done. Now come.
- Hmm
Slowly he pulled his hand out of her fist and came out.
Amu - It's getting late. Now have to go. Please take care of der.
--Hey wait. Do you think I will not take care of her. I am her sister or not.
- No, no, I didn't mean that.
- Don't worry, I'm here.
--Ok good buy and good night.

Amu was leaving. Dipti called him again from behind ...
--Amu ...
--Yes, do want to say something?
Dipti came closer and told keep my sister in this way. Please take care of her.
Amu understands the meaning of these words. He smiled smilies and shook his head.
--Good night
--good night

The next day ...
Amu - Yes, Dipti Di
- Hi, can you go to Tani's college now?
--Now? Yes, but why?
- Look with the sick body she has gone to college.
--What? I told her yesterday to not to go. Even I called her in the morning and she said she will not go.
- Yes. But then she left to attend her class. I also left for the office. She didn't even tell me before leaving. Now a friend of her calling and said that she has a fever and she she is not felling well. So I called you. I am busy in a meeting. Please go there. She will in the cantten. Hello can you hear me?
- Hmmm. I'm going to her college.
--listen don't say anything to her. Don't admonish her.
- Yes, I always admonish her and your sister's work are very good. Yesterday she could not speak well and today she went to college. She did not listen to me till this time.
- Don't You know, how much she is serious about her studies? May be she had important classes. She massaged to not to tell you. But for my meeting I can't go so I told you
- Ok. Don't worry, I won't say anything. I'm going ...

To be continue....

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