

embracing differences of inequality
the meaning of inequality to me conclusively changed when I saw how unequal we are as humans but in order to substantially consider embracing the difference is that we are strengthens inside and stuff Act how far apart were we at considering the ethics of law and the moral sense Humanity. in order to understand the perspective I'll give you an inside of my reality currently I am not healthy regarding mental state of mind and physical state of body but this wasn't in the result of something I did it was for the purpose of what I did is only considering fact to why I'm still here.to bring you back to the story March 24th 2019 was the day that I'll never be able to forget not for the sense of happiness but for the census lost the feeling in touch realistically and as well as emotionally. I was working at a company the job entitlement that they gave me manager embracing me I worked up for this position never handed me an opportunity of knowing somebody but for ethically working hard and structuring foundation in my life I worked in a paint industry with the regards to that there are lot of Hazards a lot of precautions and a lot of factors to consider when in my opinion choosing a manager because the result of a manager who isn't in the consideration of the entitlement of the meaning manager rather than the purpose of chasing then empowerment over othersthat's when things become very dangerous for the individual who is inspired by money but not over the well-being of themselves and others.while working at this location substantially I was the significant reason to why the purpose a functionality regarding prophet became a reality within the company's aspiration of purpose as well in the workers when starting the position I considered the well-being of others and pay so I've requested and approved the raises in order to structure team The Virtue that we have at times lost the word I is the consideration of greed and what you might seem to be profitable for you maybe it won't be for me. while working there the progress began the recovery phase of a deficit and considering no organization within substantial overcome overcome the reality stop the deficit the company was in which was seemly easy comparably to what happens next. within months at working with his companyconsidering 10 hours days 6 days a week was the plan to recover a company that was failing but not with the purpose of being able to be fixed but we organized I began to feel sick not a normal sick a 6 that would I've considered to be a novel because how unrealistic was it to believe someone who worked his entire life for the well-being of others whatever face such a weird sicknesse. so I began my investigation to find out the reason means while sick what came to be the reality not only and what I reported but as well as OSHA but the fact is the company I was working for was using a paint that not only couldn't you have used in the country but as well in this state because the reality of how it affects your body and mind but without any hesitation just ask for the owner considering purchasing it I sacrificed my position regarding the safety of others regardless of the money I was going to lose not understanding the begin to my fight. since then my health has been horrible covid-19 is the reflection to why my happiness and my well-being was Rob but when covid-19 was known to be the reality of everybody else's life at this point I already dealt with it for a year screaming in the mirror at times cuz I couldn't breathe. the amount of diseases that this what they call the Invisible War and the novelis the reasoning to the explanation of how you feel that would be a story in itself or just the symptoms. but regarding the aspiration of law and the pursuit of upholding it constitutionally and morally is the reason I'm devastated to this day from the day that I'm publishing a story I haven't received anything considering EDD considering Pua and considering the fact that I didn't OSHA report that reflected the truth never knowing the disregard of well-being was and should have been the novel but that's the reality what I did on that day what's remarkable considering the fact that is true but the truth was the company wanted me to lie understanding that I needed the money but not the guilt of why now potentially coworkers are able to be here because of what I couldn't do is the deciding factor to why not to pay meI haven't to this day received anything and considering law The Whistleblower Act the Clean Air Act no fear Act why for what I didn't know then considering the fact that all these laws came about my life when my life was drastically changing why did you come to a reality that didn't uphold the law in the well-being of myself and others that's why the beauty of what I did is considering the Beast that has always been here considering that what's your monks doesn't mean you have to become then it gives you every reason to show people that the perspective pconsidered a unbelievable. action but considering the day I made the report I pulled over at the side of the road since I have a 2-hour drive home and began to cry considering the struggle that I was going to face never to come to the understanding. the clarity. of law because if the reasoning people don't uphold them self to equality regarding honesty well being and Humanity the principle of one the factor that team has been lost between I and me but. the purpose of the story isn't for the sadness it's for the pursuit of change because in order to change something for the positive of production inequality and Humanity the me and I in us needs to change towards to sense of compassion and that is the inspiration to why with nothing I am still here but I hope my situation changes soon because the reality is in this Society with nothing you can't buy safety.
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