

The lesson she learned that day..
This is an inspiration story I would like to share with you all. the story is about a person who was over confidence and from there the person learns a lesson from it, do reading..
A short story.

There in a hot sunshine a school lies.
There a girl who was everyone's inspiration.
one day she participated in class competition to give a book talk.
She was over confident and was preparing for her book talk.
When the day came to give a book talk, she was confident, but when she stepped on the hall, her confidence just got vanished, she was scared and so was her partner.When her turn came, she was even not able to introduce herself so within 2 minutes she just said thank you, without any details about the book.
After then she felt guilty and she learned a lesson from there,
first to not be over confidence,
second. prepare well and gather courage to talk.
Starting from that day, she was the great speech giver and the best presenter in her school. She prepared well and she promised herself to be courageous.