

the poison satisfied my body..

The poison smiled entering into my neck..
Fun of his ride is the slide of my death..
It got into my heart and stopped the beat..
The dead shit gotta be piece of the meat..
The slow disfunction of cells will make it unbearable..
The brain would be disconnected, it will cut all the cable..
For the last time memories of past will be burning..
This ironical event will turn me in yearning..
Slowly the death currency I would be earning..
The unimaginable lesson I would be learning..
The breathe will be tired soon into stoppage..
The book met it's destiny which is ' the last page'..
My mouth will fulfill the task of leaving the foam..
And this wandering conscience will get into home..
if there is a soul it will get into so called hell..
the never-ending pain would be waiting for me to yell..
thankyou for reading ..
© Darkness whispers