

A Life Forgotten, A Life Remembered Part 25

          Part 25
   Shedding Some Light

   Malekai stood there through it all. He had watched her leave, never taking his eyes off her.

Malekai never did hide how he felt about Dorian.
He was a demon known for his sadistic cruelty that is equal to Dorian's if not worse.

However, he isn't cruel just for kicks. Malekai carries out orders, delivering punishment to those who deserve it.
Dorian would never cross him.
No demon ever has.

He cleared his throat to get my attention. He was obviously testing my temperament, and decided it had simmered down enough.

He said,
" Sir, may I make a suggestion?"

Believe me I was still pissed off, but the flames were under control.
I waved my hand, motioning for him to come forward.

He said,
" Sir, I wouldn't be so quick to be hard on Ms. Shannon's actions with this bartender."

I was curious to know why he would dare to speak on her behalf.
Not to mention the image he summoned of her being ravaged by this bartender.
Containing the urge to watch him burn alive was proving to be difficult.

I said,
" Do tell me what is the reason for your new found leniency. When did you attain this soft heart?"

Malekai knew that he was treading on dangerous grounds. Especially while I was out of sorts.

Yet he continued,
  " Soft heart? Hardly, after all I am the deliverer of cruel justice.
You know this to be true, Sir."

I wasn't sure where Malekai was going with this, but I was sure that he was about to tell me.

He said,
" However putting aside the ramblings of the yellow hair demonoid, I'm sure Ms. Shannon's actions were brought on by an overwhelming flood of emotions that caused her to break.
After all you did warn her that remembering everything all at once would have a great impact on her."

He wasn't wrong about that. I do recall having this conversation with her.

Malekai added,
" Not to mention feeling her heart break all over again as every memory resurfaced."

He had a point, and it surprised me that I also felt her pain.

He continued,
" For her own reasons, she may have felt that things wouldn't change without your help, and then realizing that they were in front of her all this time.
I have to say Sir that all of this is enough to bring anyone to their knees, possibly breaking them into insanity."

I thought about this, Shannon wore her pain up front. Even I felt the heavy weight inside of me. I saw her pain as it fell from her eyes when she rejected my touch.

Malekai said,
" But even that didn't break her."

I gave him a silent demand to explain further. He understood, and so he continued.

He said,
" You see, just as you have developed some sort of bond with her, even though she hadn't called on you yet.
The same can be said about her. Which explains why she would not allow you to be banished from her presence. She definitely knew you were there, but her head and heart were in a continuous emotional ride, struggling  to hold onto what little hope she had left."

Malekai pointed towards the heavens as he continued.

He said,
" Her love and loyalty belonged to them."

He paused for a moment.

He then said,
" Now pay attention to what I'm about to say. Yes, only they mattered to her, but even with a veil layered over her heart, and her not knowing, a new seed was manifesting, and within this manifestation something was growing. 
  It was filling up with the very thing you so desire from her."

He waited a few moments, before he spoke again. He was letting this information sink in. I definitely was thinking of every word he said to me.
Could this really happen? I have no words to describe how I was beginning to feel about this.

With a smile, he said,
" Yes Sir, I'm amazed myself. The seed that emerged within her heart was slowly filling up with the love she feels for you."

I was at a loss for words, and feeling something I had never experienced in my entire existence.

I said,
" You sound sure of this. Tell me Malekai, do you really believe what you tell me?"

He answered
" Sir, though you wear another's face, I see it when she looks in your eyes. What she sees in the depths of them.
I also hear it in her voice, when she speaks your name."

I lost myself in my thoughts.

He added,
"It is certainly undeniable, Sir."

Overwhelmed with unfamiliar emotions was like being in a strange world. My attempt to brush off this wreck was not possible.

I said,
" Well isn't this a great web I have stumbled into. How can such a great feeling come from an inevitable fuck of a mess.

Malekai said,
" It is indeed a tough one Sir, and certainly a call that you have to make. However, now that you are armed with this information of what lies between you, and Ms. Shannon, you now can figure out what you need to do."

I said,
" Indeed, there is much to consider. Decisions to be made, and I believe they will not come easy."

Malekai said,
" I suppose they won't, but before I leave you to your thoughts, I must say this. You can decide to be a fool, and torture
Ms. Shannon, and settle her down at your feet under locked chains as your whore. Which is your usual manner of treatment. Or you can be a fool, and set her free, destroying the connection you have with her. Possibly giving Dorian the opportunity to do away with her.
Or take the third option.

I asked him,
" And what might that be?"

He replied,
" Allow yourself to give in, and be foolish by keeping what would be for one such as you, a once in a life time spark that ignited something in that age old soul, but as I said, the call to be made is entirely yours."

It was really frustrating how I struggled with myself. My thoughts, and Shannon's actions had my flames rising, and I wrestled with unknown feelings.
They were certainly a powerful force.

Rage, corruption, torment, these were my specialty, and I was treading on unknown territory.
I have to say that some of it I didn't like.

Malekai wore a grin of satisfaction.

He said,
" Sir, if you don't need me, I must be going."

There was something subtle behind his words.

I asked him,
" Where are you off to Malekai?"

He answered,
" There is someone I must pay a visit."

Malekai didn't take a step to leave.

He sigh then said,
" Sir if you must know, Ms. Shannon has summoned for me."

It didn't surprise me that he felt the need to tell me everything.

I certainly don't need to question his loyalty

I asked him,
" Why would she summon you?"

He replied,
" Perhaps it is that you've been preoccupied with your thoughts, and cannot hear her calling on you."

  Even though his thoughts are unreadable, common sense wasn't thrown out the window.
My silence told Malekai to continue with the suggestion that was lingering on the tip of his tongue.

He said,
" Take this time to collect your thoughts. You wouldn't want to make a decision that'll come to bite you in the ass later. I will see Ms. Shannon, unless you feel I shouldn't."

Once again Malekai was right, I don't want to sever the connection I have with Shannon.
I waved him off to be on his way.

He didn't say another word, then disappeared.

         Written by
    Sarah M Gutierrez


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