

A place Of Worth
Oh where did all that blood
come from oh no
so she runs and runs to get help
but she sees no end to
So it's a car coming and
she runs in the woods
meanwhile the car
comes up and a man gets out
with a gun
an walks around looking to kill
but he see no one and then he gets back in the car and drives off.
But the girl still in the woods running
but when she see the car she hides and keeps running down a rode to a gasstation. Then she tells the clerk her story and he calls the police.
And then she gets away but the cops
see a car drive up and think it's her
car they called for her to go to the airport but it's the man with the gun
which he dose not show her until they are miles away from the police station.
And she fights him and his gun and knocks him out. Then she throws him out the car and she dives herself to the airport and gets on the plane and in her pocket was 3 diamonds worth 9 million
a piece so she set for life and she got
away when others got killed as she stole
the places worth and never got caught.
© Again it's Lash