

catch the suspect #1
rainy season has started in that city. It has been 25 years since the city peace vally started. This city was ruled by a system of monarchy for 25 years. Now is the day when monarchy ends and democracy is born. No matter how much crime there is in that city, the people's are very clean. All the people's of that city elected a woman as the prime minister. the woman name is Jessie. Jessie first promise word was that I would definitely solve the murder case in my ruling period in this peace vally. The security of the city is increased as the democratic era has come . Surveillance cameras are installed at all locations in the city. In this city everything is going digital era from written era. In this jessi era people began to go to work safely and they became more prosperous. Even though there were so many developments in the city, but the cold case was deeply etched in the minds of the people's in peace vally. Although these people have forgotten the first murder case, the second murder case has not yet been solved and both of them are known as the curse of the city . Little by little people were talking about this cases and it reached the ears Jessie.
Then Jessie said these two cases will be converted into a public cases and he said that any private investigator should investigate this case now onwards. That's how our clark bought this case from the police for investigation 🔎. Clark wife Lilly also private detective. lilly work with Clark. so Clark and Lilly began to investigate this case. first they investigate about victor. as per police record lastly victor was staying in SK hotel since 6month with Laura. the hotel 🏨 management said victor gave his phone number but that phone number was landline number belongs to garment factory. so Clark and Lilly think victor gave fake contact number to SK HOTEL. but why he gave wrong number. as workers said in garment industry . victor was a good person he had no enemies then why he gave wrong number lie to hotel. Clark and lilly think something is behind his identity. then lilly asked to hotel about victor marriage intrest because as per case record hotel management said victor searched a girl for marriage intrest. so lilly and Clark think any matrimony centers or marriage brokers sites victor give his true phone number Or mail id any valid information to these centers. so Clark and lilly going to matrimony center in Clark car. while driving in car lilly said to Clark. we don't have any information about Laura . we have only bunch of information about victor . if we got any valid evidence about victor we should further more investigation about this case. Clark and lilly reached the matrimony center asked about last 5 year marriage interested persons details. matrimony manager said wait 2 minutes I will show the information about you asked. now is easy to access any information details quickly. because in this era all written papers details are converted into digital format. so matrimony manager gave the information details about he asked. Clark checked male persons information details , lilly checked females marriage intrest information. Clark got the information about victor. and Clark got victor original phone number. but lilly couldn't get any information about Laura. anyway this case has moved to next step. Clark and lilly investigate about victor phone number. the number was last active in peace vally park . but unfortunately at the period time in peace vally doesn't have much technology of track of locations travelled with phone number. now Clark and lilly thinks about a single source evidence can't help him. the evidence was going to end in dead end. now Clark and lilly thinking about how to move further about this case. they have travelling in a car .clark and lilly going to their home. while traveling in a car lilly turn on the radio and both of them listening city news. in that news police officers talking about the second case.second death person name is lee. and his girl friend name is laura. Clark and lilly 👀see face to face each other. and now they have another hope to investigate about these cases. may be suspect is one person. his name is laura. now clark and lilly decided to investigate about second case quickly because this case happened recently. if we have the possibility of got any digital evidence about this case. comparing to 1st case if we have investigate our style,wegot much evidence and details about second case. now lilly and clark going to police station to get case file 2 copy about this case. ( is lilly and clark can solve this case ? or 2nd case also again going to dead end?or who is Laura? is Laura is suspect for both cases? or again these cases become curses of the city? lilly and clark will the catch the suspect? let see 👀😇) to be continued
by sathish

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