

The Watchful Eye Part 1
In the vast depth of this universe, I am lost...
millions of light years away from my own home... Years might have passed...My family and loved one will be lost... yet here I am on verge of discovery which caused my loss to my world....

question like are we alone???
Are human alone ???
Can we see alien....???

All this are now question of the past but I am still on a lost planet of a lost world with no knowledge of the time my journey took with my new spaceship which was being created to break the confine of FTL... maybe this craft had broken the confines of FTL and when I go back to craddle world only 3 years had passed.... i wish to know what happened to my world in this time....
what happened to my company "The Watchful Eye" legally I don't have any family....
will they give my assets to my gf.....
but the biggest question of all is did I was able to break the barrier of FTL and if not due to relativity I can't even imagine the changes that happened to my world...

**Officer on bridge****
Thinking all these I didn't realise that I am ready to give to order to my people to go back. But do I need to go back today...
Ik my crew is eagar to go back home but shouldn't we stop for few more days...
We have one solar system and an ancient Warship to learn and improve the knowledge of human race...

First Officer Sam:- Sir should we jump to home
Shubham (Me):- No, cancel the order and convey it the crew.... We have whole planet and whole world to us....
these NAVI ( Native Alien) think of us as God....
We may not be God.... But we can help them...
Sam:- We already had helped them.... We taught them.... Created society for them.....They gave us there and we already have paid them with our knowledge and research.... Even if go back home, they will still remember us and help us....
Shubham: Yeah,ik... But these NAVI are industrialists people and they can create a whole space industry in days... and we still know nothing about Earth.... We should take help from these people and create our own fleet and take some minral with us....

******That was the moment that changed everything and today I am the path of death. Only the blood of my Own can save me. But people my species and my planet earth is 10 light years away from me... All of my crew is dead or mentally unstable.... I only have my AI(ELV2/EL VERSION 2.0/EL) and memories of my Home....**********

Location:- Fleet Command Medical Center
Planet :- Na'Vi
Date:- Unknown earth date(3 years 6 months after first contact)
Ishq'Al( Na'Vi female Soilder) :- Sir the NaVi council have decided that we will put you in cryo and test our FTL engine. By the end of this month we will we taking to your home planet....

Shubham:- You know Ishq'Al should see the snowfall of earth. You will like it... However my time have come i should die...

Ishq'Al:- I don't want to hear this again...

Shubham:- But...

Ishq'Al:- No but...

*** Team of Cryo Chamber speculation come inside the Room***

Ishq'Al:- They are here... Please listen to them... You are our Hope... and neither I nor this planet can lose you....(With pain in eyes)

Shubham(With smile):- Do I have a choice???
Fine i will do this and i hope that all FTL tests are completed on time and I see u you all again....

Hey El you here???

ELV2(feminine Voice):- How can I leave your side Shubham??? I was giving you 2 some privacy Uk...
(Blush on everyone faces)

Don't worry you just I will take of everything and I will wake u up on our final day of journey...

***4 months Later, on the way to planet Earth in warship WSF Victory ***

POV:- Shubham ( President of The Watchful Eye)
location:- 8 light years from earth
Ship:- WSF Victory (Watchful eye Star fleet Victory)

:::MEDBAY WSF Victory::::

ElV2:- Open your eyes Shubham you have been in cryo for 4 months so u will feel dizzy for few take time and wake up. wake up from you long Nap Man... We are going home....

***10 min later*****

Now I can open my eyes.... I feel like I am stranger in my own body with no control i can hear El saying that we are going home... but that voice came from holo....
Damm! Ek have choosen ahot body....
I am half half dead and still thinking about hot holo 😂

I should try moving my body....
maybe speak something....
yeah that will work...

Shubham:- ELlllll tttthhaaat uuuu???holo???hooooot!!(with smile)

ELv2:- Yeah it is me... We are going home...Just one hour ago we start waking u after leaving Navi....
In 4 hours we will on earth and I have a good news ....

Shubham:- What???

ELv2:- As per our calculations of galatic path and planetary location we were only 4 years away from earth and your first prototype of FTL did work.. it was not controlled that's why it trows us to NA'VI planet

Shubham:- Oh!

Ishq'Al is coming with us???

ELv2:- Yeah why???

Shubham:- You know why??? Sia will kill her... I told her I will not cheat her with another Girl.

ELv2:- Well technically you didn't she is an alien.

Shubham:-why don't you go tell her that she will teach you

ELv2:- she is your girlfriend not mine you should handle her...

Shubham:- Okay fine. Just help me and I don't her to get jealous before I introduce her..

ELv2 :- Okay done. also don't move you don't have energy. and nanobots will need blood transfusion to restart you...

Shubham:- okay fine..... Tell who is with us???

ELv2:- Your new gf...
Shubham:- Ishq'al is not my gf...
ELv2:- yeah same same... and Cousler Bata'an and Victory ship crew and 2 unit of Soilders and 1 unit of ELv2 AI soilders...

Shubham:- Are they going to attack that they have taken this much security?

ELv2:- You know how they are??? they care about u and i might have told the counselor Batan that u are just a CEO of a space company of a Country..
So they are taking precautions to save you from other people if need arise...

Shubham:- Where will we land???

ELv2:- some city which have morning time..... We have decided multiple hospitals with enough blood bank for your need and we will choose which have day time... and Good parking to let the world know about aliens 😂

**Room Opens***

Counselor Batan:- Sir I am sorry to disturb you... Just wanted to see u....
ask you doing okay...???

Shubham:- Don't worry take rest...

**Emergency Alert on repeat:- YELLOW ALERT, All security personals please report to Conference Hall in 5 min, this includes all VIPs too ***

Shubham & Counselor Bata'an :- What happened???

ELv2:- We are only two light years away from earth so our short range sensor just detected a Warship near Earth, Extraterrestrial.

Shubham:- What??? Who??? Is earth saafe...

ELv2:- As far as I can tell it is safe... detecting a signal being sent to earth on frequency.....

**This is Orion Imperiam, by the order of his majesty this planet is now under Orion Imperiam. Resistance is futile. You have 24 hours to give your answer after that will glass this planet***

ELv2:- This was the English translation of the singal. Cousler Bata'an please confirm the order for full deployment...
I am sending order to NA'VI to take warmhole jump the moment we drop near the planet.. tell them to be ready in 40 min....
Also give a pep talk in Conference Room

Shubham:- what??? why??? we should talk??? Listen ....

ELv2:- Shubham stop you are weak.. I will handle it...

*** 1 hours later****
Date:- 25 August 2036, 05:30 GMT
Location:- Earth
Ship:- USS Victory

All warmhole jump are queue and ready....Warp drop in 10....9....8....
warmhole drive engaged.....Na'Vi fleet is jumping to earth......4...3...2....1....

We are now Earth orbit.... 3232 Warshipa of have surrounded the earth for safety...

ELv2:- Open a channel to Imperiam warship

Communication Officer, Nivar'El:- **Channel Opened***Channel is now open... Universal Translater Engaged...

ELv2:- Warship of Orian Imperiam, please note that Earth is under the protection of The Watchful Eye any attack will be met with brut force please leave this soler system...

© y1shubham