

Nancy.....the girl with mysterious powers.

At the same night, Nancy recalled the things she did in her day course. she suddenly heard a voice calling her for help. she thought that the voice from television to which her younger brother was watching. when she went out of her room there was none in the living area in front of television. Nancy felt weired. suddenly a sound from her room came calling "Nancy my sister help me out". Nancy ran into her room but surprisingly there was none again!. The voice came again "sister look here I'm in front of you! ". Nancy looked down, surprisingly there was monie( the white furry cat of Nancy). Nancy was shocked to see monie talking...
monie felt happy to see her sister after long time.(no one knows about the mystery of Nancy birth and powers yet).
monie said to Nancy "only u can here me my sister". Nancy replied in fear "who are you? your not my monie right? and how come I can only hear you? "
confused Nancy fainted on her bed.
-to be continued.