

K & D (part 2)
Chapter 1


Not that horrible sound again, I turned face down on my bed. I grabbed my pillow and damped it on my head to reduce the noise. But no, that loud mouth, aka, alarm clock, refused to be shunned. so I did what any-not-morning-person would do.

I picked up my alarm clock from the nightstand beside my bed and threw it across the room and the crashing sound feels like music to my ears, I smiled slyly, yeah that's how much I hate that Mr loud mouth.

Now I can't go back to sleep.

Groaning frustratingly, I get up into a sitting position. My eyes instantly zero on my study desk at the right corner of my room, below my window. My books are neatly arranged on the desk, I smiled at that, I planned to be in time today.

Today is the first day I'm going back to school since my dad died three months ago. He was the only family I had left, though my mom is still alive, but she left me and my dad when I was just five years old, something about my dad not being enough for her. so it had always been my dad and I, but of course the universe is against me, death had to take my father away from me, leaving me all alone.

Today I will put a smile on my face and tell the whole world I'm fine. I don't want people to start treating me differently because my dad died, I don't want their pitiful looks.

I took my China itel phone off the nightstand and check out the time. I breath in relief to see it's 06:37am and school starts at 08:00am. I lazily dragged myself off the bed and went into my bathroom.

I did my morning routine and by the time I stepped out, with my tinker Bell towel wrapped around my chest, it's already 07:00am, I didn't know I spent so much time in the bathroom.

Rushing into my little old walk-in closet to pick my outfit for the day, I settled on a knee length gown, it's kinda tight so all my curves are full in display.

I skipped to my kitchen, opening my fridge I found a left over lasagna from last night, I took it out and sat on the counter and began to eat. I caught a glimpse of the wall clock in the living room, then I shoved everything down my throat quickly, drank some water and flung my bag on my shoulder, then I hurried to the bus stop so I won't miss the bus.

But luck has never been on my side, I missed the bus by four minutes so I decided to just walk to school.
Arriving at the school gate, I brought out my phone to check the time, 07:45am, I am so happy I'm on time.

Now my greatest battle is how to enter the school and act normal like every other seventeen years old here. I released a shaky breathe but nonetheless I begin to walk in.

Immediately I walked through the gate, the whispers began.
"I feel sorry for her"
"How is she going to survive"
"I can't imagine not having a father"
"Do you think she's okay"
"She seems so lonely"

Can someone teach this people to mind their own business. They don't have to make reality more real, I'm fatherless, yes I already know that people. I said mentally, though I wish I could scream it to them.


Someone shouted into my ears, because I was busy trying to tune out the whispers, I didn't know it's my best friend, so I screamed.


I turned to glare at her but how can you keep a Stern face with someone who's whole face is a joke. I broke into a smile and embraced her.

Selena is my best friend, she's been since fourth grade and she is so beautiful unlike me, she is tall, 5ft7, slim, fair skin and she have strawberry blonde hair. Whereas, I'm short, 5ft2, plump, (most people call me fat), tan skin and I have a brown hair that tangles if I don't comb it constantly.

"Selena, don't do that to me next time" I scolded her but she just stared at me with a goofy smile playing on her lips.

"But it's fun" she whined. I just shook my head, at Least she is here now, to distract me from the whispers.

"So Davina are you okay?" Selena asked me, her voice low so I can be the only one to hear her. I looked around and saw the other students are gone back to their previous activities, not paying attention to me no more.

"Yeah" I answered.

"You know, if you are not feeling good about all this" she gestures towards the school "you just have to say the word and we'll go somewhere else. We can ditch school for today" She told me with a smile. This is why she is my best friend, she knows me in and out.

"No, I'm good, we don't have to ditch school, I can do this" I assured her.

"Okay babe, let's move our asses to class" I nod and we both rushed to our lockers (which was next to each other by the way) to keep some of our books, before going to class.

"Where's your brother?, he haven't come to trouble me yet" I asked Selena when I noticed her twin brother, Joshua is nowhere to be found. He is always the first person to trouble me in school (in a playful way though) but not today, so I'm surprised.

"Well about that........" she trail off, scratching her neck nervously, I raised my eyebrows for her to continue.

"K's back, Josh went to meet him, you know as his best friend, he ought to be there when K arrives" she rushed out the words.

I am shocked, it's like I'm in a trance. I can't believe what my ears just heard.

"What did you just say?" I asked her to confirm if what I heard is really what she said.

"As his best friend he ought to be there......"

"No, before that, start from the beginning" I interrupted her.

"I said K's back" she repeated "now come let's go to class"she added and rushed to our class, but I couldn't move, I stood frozen on the spot, I feel so numb.

My heart begin to beat more than fast, I find it difficult to breath.

Why did he have to come back now?

My nightmare's back to haunt me?

To be continued...............