

I Dont Regret it But it Still Hurts Sometimes
Filtering you out of the life I've grown so comfortable in has proven a challenge. All of the little things. Like realizing our hands making a heart is still my lock screen... guess I forgot about that. Our when I'm anxious and I reach up to play with the necklace you gave me. And then I remember that I took it off days ago. There is definitely a hole. an empty spot without. Not because I need you, but because I grew so used to being with you.

But that's exactly why I couldn't keep you anymore. Because while it was uncomfortable, I didn't have room to grow. I was stuck with you. Wich, maybe one day I'll be okay being stuck. But I can't be stuck right now. I'm just getting started in this thing called life. And the holeni feel is space I will fill by growing into the me I know that I can be.

I am sorry I hurt you because of my uncertainty. The universe told me and I ignored it. And that is on me. You and I were never meant to be together and I knew that, but I got caught up in the fear of being alone. Not that I'm the only one at fault; you were naive and selfish sometimes, and that hurt where it should have mattered most. But that doesn't matter anymore. We both have to go from here. I miss you, yes. But I don't regret it. I needed it.
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