

Dream of a little girl
In the old village of kumari, there stood a palace of long heritage and tradition.Due to the greediness of the villagers, the beautiful village became a deserted land. The members of the royal family shifted to new places leaving the palace to remain alone.There are legends that a guardian spirit is protecting the palace.
In the same village a small girl of age 12 lived with her grandmother . Her grandmother used to tell her stories of the guardian spirit and the old Glory of their village that she never heard before. She became curious to visit the palace. One day night the little girl slept an hour early and started dreaming about the palace. In her dream she was standing outside the palace which had a strong door made of wood that was locked. The little girl prayed that she wanted to see the spirit in the palace.In a flash, the door opened itself and let the girl in. The little girl startled by all the marvelous paintings on the wall and she came across a big room in which she saw a statue holding a broken mirror. Some pieces in the mirror are missing. All of a sudden a spirit emerged from the mirror and claimed that it was the guardian spirit of the palace and offered her if she could find all the pieces and complete the mirror , it would provide her whatever she asks. The little girl decided to find the pieces and began her search. She found all the pieces except the last one. She searched for it till morning. The spirit offered to give her the last piece if she could answer a question.The Little girl said ok.The spirit asked what is the most valuable thing that you came across in this palace. The little girl said that she found nothing valuable in this palace as the palace lacked life. The spirit was surprised to hear such answer and gave her the last piece .She completed the mirror and the spirit asked the little girl what she wants. The little girl said that she wanted to make this village back again to green. The wish was granted by the spirit and she came to her senses to know that it was merely a dream but when she came out of the home she saw the village became beautiful again .It is now recognised as one of the tourist attractions.