

The email he has received today is marked urgent. But it's from a friend who died two years ago.
My life took a turning point on this day 11-12-1897 . A email from a long passed friend changed the things completely , the things I would never agree with and the facts which seem all unrealistic .At that moment my life became a story come out of a fiction .
time , life , future these all are interlinked and at that moment I received the email I was jumping into these time loop more like pushed into it.
I got an email from my friend , from my dead friend saying that,"I'll die on this very day next month at four in evening by murder who killed my friend , it said if I ever treasure my life then I've to accept accept their request" . for a moment I was speechless and couldn't really tell what's going ,playing a frank from dead person id
who was murdered could charge an investigation on them so who would go up to that measures . Before doing anything I wanted to recollect every fragment of that time and I wanted to check if I am missing anything .If I make a mistake this person who send the email is suspicious too .
Two years ago my friend who was murdered in a hotel with a knife , except his finger prints there's nothing else found on the knife or in his room .
" damn it , I don't have a single clue . do I really need go along with this craziness .I can't afford to let this go."
so I entered into this mysterious and suspicious loop but I've never in my life would have expected this to happen , the very person who's standing before me was my friend transparent has white sheet , totally changed . was he really the person I know the kind , geniune .The thing we all admired about him as changed , anger devoured his soul and his urge to take revenge .Before i could utter a word he kept on talking , didn't listened to a single word but I had to pay attention to what he was saying before I go crazy . The only thing I could caught are three things , he said he'll be able send me back in time before he died on these condtions .
first , "I have to sacrifice five years of my life span if I succeeded ".
second, " I can't interfere in that time space and I can't make contact with anyone".
third, "if I try and change anything then my death don't need to wait, I'll die in that time span only."
I couldn't beleive my eyes when I saw a clock with date on, back in 1985 march . to conform it I went back to my apartment and I saw myself there . damn I am so lame , I even hit myself to test if its a dream but here I am three days before my friends death .I have to find the killer without messing anything , without getting killed , try not to change anything .