

Imperfect Love
As usual, a busy Monday morning, getting up from my bed, but still on the bed ,rubbing my eyes, stretching out and had a moment with God, thanked for the new dawn , new page to be filled with experiences. Back to the normal time table ,like every ordinary people does. I made my coffee , took a hot sip , degree of hotness filled throughout my body. Watching through my balcony , observed things happening around me. Everyone seems to be busy with the day like school, office , morning battle of mothers in getting her family up for the day and so on. I finshed my coffee and here I go to get ready for my first day in the day care ."Oh children are young minds filled with innocence and creativity though it requires all lot of patience". Got ready for my day, took some notes that I prepared yesterday in case any emergency, as I was little nervous and asked God to strengthen me up. Taking a deep breath in front of my mirror , here I go to the bus stop. Just in a few minutes , bus came up and entered with smile and.........


© Jerry