

Once there were three friends Max, Jhon and Sue. All of them were having a good and happy family. Max's father was a Principal in Government High
Scendory School. Jhon's father was a
Shopkeeper and Sue's father was owner of one of the biggest mall in Delhi. And all three mothers were housewives. One day Max along with his family went for a picnic and suddenly the break of their car got failed and unfortunately they met with a deadly accident and the father and the mother of Max died on the way. For help he called Jhon and Sue. With in few minutes Sue was there but ,Jhon was not able to reach the spot as he was out of state. Sue's father took Max in his home and performed the last rites. After few days of death Sue's father dropped Max in an orphage as they had become fed up of him. After few days
Jhon was back. He went to Sue's house and asked for Max he told him that they had left him in an orphage . Jhoh went back to his home and told whole thing to his father. The very next day Jhon's father went to the orphage and brought Max back. Then he started looking after them with his hard earned money. The act of Sue's father was sympathy and the act of Jhon's father was empathy. Friends I am not saying that being sympathetic one is bad but being empathetic is much much greater.

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