

After Dusk Ch-1: The Maverine Woods
The twigs scratched my bare arms and legs, but I ignored the pain as I ran as fast as I could, faster than I'd ever done in my life. It's of no use, a part of my mind said.
But I had to try. I couldn't give up that easily. Besides, they didn't seem like just muggers...
I could hear them behind me, taunting me and gaining pace rapidly. "It's of no use, girl! No one can help you here. You just brought your own death!" and they gave a horse laugh. Tears welled my eyes, my heart beat rapidly increasing.
The sad truth was, they indeed had the upper hand. I had just come to Maverine last month. How did I even expect to throw them off in the woods, where I did not even know where I was going?
In my haste, I tripped on a tree root and fell down, badly scratching my knees. I could see the blood glistening on my knee through the moonlight that filtered in through the trees, I winced in pain. I got up and tried to limp forward despite the pain.
After some time the pain was so much that I had to stop. The woods had thinned out over here, almost; and I could hear them behind me. I leant against a tree, there they were, four of them, coming out of the shadows, grinning with their odd misshapen teeth. I threw my purse at them.
"Take whatever you want," I said, " but please don't hurt me."
One of them laughed. " Of course, sweetheart, we're gonna take your belongings, but you're a greater beauty." I looked at him in horror as he started to advance towards me, and frantically tried a last ditch attempt to throw my dead cell phone at him. Well, it hit him spot on, but it just seemed to anger him even more.
"Well, you lil b****, let's see where that attitude gets you--"
"Men, is there a problem?" A husky, authorative voice interrupted him, stopping him in his tracks. I looked at the direction from where the voice had come. It was the school bully, Nathaniel Rider. He didn't usually bother me, but he was pretty mean to everyone there.
"Just go back to where you came from, punk," my assailant said. "Don't put your nose into others businesses."
"I'm sorry, but no," Nathaniel said. "Unfortunately for you all, this is MY territory. And you know what we do to trespassers?" He smirked. "We kill them."
I didn't exactly understand whether he was joking or not, but the next moment, I saw the most extarordinary thing in my life.
Nathaniel changed into a grey wolf, with eyes as dying embers. He bared his teeth and flattened his ears. He didn't seem to happy.
He gave a low growl. And then he charged.
Within minutes, the four of them were dead, their bodies a bloody mess on the forest floor, their throats and torsos ripped out. I felt so sick at that moment that I almost passed out.
Nathan changed back to his human form, and came towards me, his clothes still stained with blood. I tried to back, but my tired body did not permit me much movement. He studied me with sad eyes for some time, and then placed his hand on my head.
"Rest," he said, and somehow, I found myself being dragged into a blissful and much needed sleep.
Well this is my first story here, thank you for reading! If you like it, please comment, and I'll continue the After Dusk series!
#werewolf #smalltown #paranormal #AfterDusk #Maverine