

The footsteps following me sounded closer. I ran through the empty corridors of the hospital, my heart pounding with terror.
I turned a corner and stopped short. I had reached a dead end.
Foot steps sounds indicates some body is coming towards me. Iam listening the sounds of my heart beat . It continusley beating so fast. I got so much sweat on my body .
But i know this is the time i have to brave like a warrior. so iam encouraging my self to be brave . And i decided to turn and know what is behind me .
Slowly iam trying to turn my head to see . My Bare foot had a found a weird feeling . so i put my mobile flash on the bare foot . iam totally shocked so much of bloood is flowing on the floor .
Iam totally confused and unware of the situation iam facing . And in this mean time some body calls me with my name . And that voice is so too nasty . And i turned very fastly to see what is happening behind me, suddenly all comes to normal . Iam at the same place but all the incidents and blood is not there . And all patients and doctors are roaming in the hospital .
I dont know whether its a dream or my thoughts or real. But something i assure is that was really scary.
© SK