

Unexpressed feelings
She sat in the dark room, with a pencil and a notebook in hand.

She was writing.

Writing everything that came into her mind.

Love, life, friends....so much more things.

Pages after pages, filled with words. Hurtful words.

What was she exactly writing?

Things that she couldn't say. Things that she wanted to let out of her chest.

"I got scolded by the shop owner that I work at today." She wrote down. "They told me that I was being irresponsible at work. Falling asleep at working hours. But I did not do that on purpose, I just haven't sleep in three days because I was working for both day and night shifts."

Tears fell from her eyes as she silently sobbed while writing.

Why couldn't she reply when he was scolding her? Why didn't she say that she haven't been sleeping for days so she just fell asleep?

Because she couldn't.

She just couldn't.

An hour later, she stopped writing.

The book was filled with words, mixed with salty tears from her eyes.

She cried alone in the dark.

But she couldn't say anything. She was too scared to.

She took the little notebook and headed towards the window.

The huge window in her little room that was seven stories above the ground.

She opened the window, stepped on the window sill and held the book close to her chest.

After a deep breath, she jumped, straight to her death.

Blood scattered on the concrete under her figure.

People gathered around, calling the police.

When the police came, they took the body away.

But discovered the notebook later on.

One of the officer read the book and sent it to his friend, a newspaper editor.

When the editor saw this, she got so emotional and decided to rewrite the story.

The story became famous in no time. But it was useless, the girl was dead anyway.

On the last page of the small notebook, written in pencil was a quote from the girl who wrote it before her death.

It said,

"Unexpressed feelings don't die, they are buried alive and will come back in uglier ways."


Note from author:

I just wanted to say, it's okay to tell what you feel. If you don't like it, then say you don't, if you like it then say you do. Because unexpressed feelings do come back in uglier ways, I experienced it and it was terrible.

Your words are valuable, so please do say them out.

Keep living a happy life!