

X girlfriend
My ex-girlfriend showed off big breasts and flirted with everyone while we were in the mall. I used to say “Oh, not again. I hide my smile and duck my head while I hold her hand. I'm past trying to her, Brandy will soon learn her lesson. The first time I caught a guy that had look like Pitbull but a bunch of tattoos face fucking Brandy Doggystyle in our bed made tears stream down my cheeks. I used to blame myself for being so ugly-looking. Brandy used to say that she could see the universe in my eyes whenever she would stare at me. She said that the universe was infinite but it was nothing compared to the love she had for me. I fell in love with Brandy. She always makes me laugh and always wants to fuck me. Brandy is a sexy promiscuous nympho. I was reminded by everyone that you turn a Hoe into a housewife. I saw a woman in a sexy black ladder cut-out long sleeve blouse, it was Brandy with her big tittie bouncing while her long wavy coffee brown hair draped on top of them. She was walking down 6th street while holding this 5ft tall, tattoo cover, Michael B Jordan looks like a hand. The next thing I knew I saw them kissing each while that man was touching her ass and squeezing her tities.
Brandy you can stop guessing what I'm up to. All the rumors you have heard of me are true. I have nothing to hide and when it happens to you it will be a secret that everyone knows about but nobody speaks about. I am past the point of caring. I am at a breaking point. You cheated on me last time. You're going to see how ruthless and heartless I can be. I will raise my brown eyes at the sky and have a devilish smirk when I kill you. I live life without conscience. Tonight is the night, I hugged my knife so tightly close to my chest. I'm not going to let Brandy feel ugly and jealous anymore. I am going to bury Brandy's full figured body deep in the ground. My face will be covered in blood and my clothes will be covered in dirt and mud when I'm finished with you. I’m happier than ever with the thoughts of cutting Brandy with my knife and stabbing her in her breast. I now have something to hold on to and that is seeing Brandy's blood on my face and kissing her dead lips. The thought of that gives me hope and helps me sleep at night. That is the revenge I will on Brandy, my ex-girlfriend

