

My Wish Is.. _Choi Beomgyu FF (TXT)_ Oneshot
"Yah! Yuna! Come back here you slut!"

Beomgyu was chasing Yuna around the hallway and Yuna hurriedly hide at the cooking room. She peek a little bit and saw Beomgyu who was struggling around to find her.

'Save me God, please..!'

She keep silent until..

"Yah! Open it!!"

She knock the door loudly while scream for help because Beomgyu have locked her in there.


She rolled her tears down and seat there.

"You little slut, you know what you have done and you have to sit here until the lunch! Don't you dare to told people!"

He warn from the outside and leave her. All that Yuna can do is just cry silently.

'I hate my life! Why they will always found me!?'

She lean her body at the wall and fell asleep.

"Yuna! Yuna!"



She woke up and found that her friend were infront of her.

"Are you okay?" 

She didn't answer him but hugged him while burst out her tears.

"Shh....it's okay.."

He patted her back trying to comfort her.

"Why me!? I'm enough of this! I wanna die!!"

"Hey don't say that! I'm not letting you never and ever!"

He warn her and help her get up. As they were outside, many student were in the cafeteria.

'Maybe this is the lunch time..'

She thought.

He send Yuna to her house and give her a little help.

"Take care and don't go anyway. After the school, I will be back here. Understand me?"

She just nodded.

"I'll be going now."


He turn back and Yuna spoke.

"Please don't do anything on him. Please..?"

She begged him and he nodded. But in deep inside, he want to give him some lesson.

After he reached the school, he saw that Beomgyu was sitting alone at the cafeteria. He approached him and spoke.

"Are you still want to beat Yuna up?"

Beomgyu turn his head to him and spoke.

"Who are you and it's none of you business.!"

Yeonjun smirked and grabbed his collar.

"Don't try to touch her again and then I will beat you up!"

"Okay..okay...I'm sorry. I'm not to touch her..."

He stutter and Yeonjun let him go and left him. The students look at him gossiping and leave the cafeteria.

'Shit! I'm lost now!'

He run to his class and study there.

_the next day_

Yuna walk to her school like always but she felt different. Beomgyu didn't bother her like always. He just passed her like she didn't exist.

'What is wrong with him? Am I free?'

She run to her class happily and study there.

But, in a far away, someone has plan behind them.

_after a few period_

"Yuna! Can you take my book at the cooking room.? I need to hurry now because my mom had a flight today. I was a bout to help her now. Please.? Meet me later! Bye!"

Yeonjun leave her in speechless.

'Just get the book and leave in peace..'

She walk to the cooking classroom and search the book. Finally, she got it.

"Got it!"

Then, she heard something.

"Yah! Open the door now!"

'Is that...?'

She look at the door and there he is..CHOI BEOMGYU.

"What are you doing here?"

She ask him and he turn around on her.

"We stuck slut!"


"You mean we locked here..?"


Beomgyu sit down and started to stretching his head. Yuna found a place a little bit far from there and sit there.

A tears rolling down through her cheeks because she was so scared of a dark place because she had Nyctophobia and that was scared of a dark place and she knew that the night will be clearly dark a little.

And then the night's come...

She just sit there and started to struggle because of coldness. Beomgyu just watching her from afar and he stood up. He walked to her and take off his jacket and gave her.

"Took this!"

Yuna look at him and push the jacket back.

"You will have a fever so please take it!"

"Why do you even care..?"

She ask him and that make him stopped.

He sat beside her and just silent. Suddenly, Yuna's phone vibrate mean she recieved a message. She look at it and started to crying silently. That's make Beomgyu look at her with confused. He peek a little to her phone and found a message that written..

Message from:


Happy birthday sis! I hope you will good always and I will praying a good thing for you alwaysss! Love you sis!

Then, he think a little..

'I got an idea!'

He stood up and leave Yuna there.

'Where is he? Where he's going?'

Then she fell asleep.

_after a few moments_

"Happy birthday to you....happy birthday to you...happy birthday to Yuna..happy birthday to you.."

Yuna wake up and saw....


She saw that Beomgyu hold a cake and have a candles on it. She didn't feel her fear because of the candles were light them up. She smiled awkwardly and ask him.

"Beomgyu..? What is this?"

"You're birthday right?"

She nodded and Beomgyu spoke.

"Make a wish and blow it."

He said in a calm tone and Yuna closer eyes and wished.

She blow the candles and Beomgyu place the cake and clapped his hand.

She just chuckled and they eat the cake.

"What did you wish for?"

'Finally I safe. He's friendly now..'

"I wish for...you to change.."

She said and look away. Beomgyu froze and smiled widely. He pulled Yuna to face him and he spoke.

"As you wish princess."

Then they kis- (no you guys won't do that! But fine..)

Beomgyu lean closer to her and kissed her soft lips. Yuna was shocked but slowly kissed him back. After a few minutes, they stopped and laugh at each other. Then, they fall asleep at each other shoulder.

_the next day_

They finally get home and Yeonjun told everything to Yuna that he was planned that all thing but Yuna didn't even mad at him because that was a good choice to make him change.

After a weeks, they finally getting closer and closer until they were dating to each other.


(So Cloudys? How was it? Is it okay? I hope you get a nice day and stay healthy! I love you Cloudys!)