

The sparkler with ribbons-5
Akira turned around and she was shocked
her eyes open so wide as they'd just pop out and with a gasp she said "hidenori!"

the boy who was smiling until made a confused face, she suddenly saw that his haircut was different from morning and he looked slightly different and out of curiosity she asked "um, if I'm not Wrong your hairstyle is different from morning and.." he interrupted in between and said "no! you misunderstood me, I'm not hidenori, I'm his twin brother! Haru"
She let a sigh of relief as she probably won't be able the handle the situation if it was hidenori, "oh I get it, you two really look alike it's so magical"
"yah, everyone gets confused with the two of us, by the way when did you meet my brother?"

she was deciding weather to tell haru about when they first met or keep it a secret and introduce herself as his classmate..
"um, actually I came across him when you moved to the city like not a meeting in specific and we're classmates too"
she thought it would matter much if she tells him the truth..
" oh I guess I wasn't there with him when you first met and my ill fortune that I'm in the next section to yours and my brother's"
she chuckled softly and nodded "it's fine, I'm Akira wannabe friends?" she moved ahead holding out her hand and Haru instantly replied "yah sure why not!"

She felt that the twins were like opposite poles of a magnet, one so grumpy and other one so charming,and the best part was he had a great talent of playing guitar and had a beautiful voice on top of that
"Do you sing too?" she asked while releasing the handshake..
"No I didn't try to" said Haru.
"oh, I Guessed that by your voice, did nobody tell you it's really good" she said it with a straight face but noticed Haru blushing, "Not really, I don't talk a lot"

she didn't expect it as here he seemed absolutely normal while conversing with here "oh then lemme tell you I talk a lot so I'll teach you on the way,hehe"
he nodded slightly and asked her
"akira-chan I wanted to know if we can join two clubs at a time? i wish to join another club too"

Akira took a pause and said, "As of I know we can formally join 2 clubs but we can go to other clubs if we have the club president's permission"

Haru's face lit up and he decided that instant to join the club he wanted..
he thanked her and left the room.

Akira was smiling to herself and she looked at the watch "oh my goodness it's only 5 mins for next class I have to lock the room and return the keys today!"
she quickly took her belongings and left for the reception.

to be continued...
© Weirdo