

Blending in
If you visit a new place as a tourist
Would you prefer to blend in
Such that you are almost invisible…
Or would you be someone
Who would prefer to be noticed,
For your differences
And draw attention of others.

Being able to blend in can often be a blessing in disguise.
As you look like you have been there and are aware of their ways of life.
You don’t stick out like a sore thumb.
Or behave as if you are out of place.
You tend to draw less attention perhaps, but there in is your safety in new locales.
You are adaptable and accepting of the new culture.
For some it’s really easy
For others it’s truly difficult
For they are by nature noticeable
Whether they like it or not!

What is your take on this?
Have you ever tried to blend in or stand out from the crowd?

How has your experiences of traveling been so far ?
Do share.

© Savvy Raj