

I was sitting at my bad and working on my laptop. Surprisingly I saw a video on my laptop and a notification with it "DON'T WATCH THE VIDEO "
I was very curious about to watch and know what the video is about.
Therefore I was going to start the video but again a notification came" IF YOU ARE THINKING TO WATCH THE VIDEO, PLEASE DON'T....!!!!!!!
But I ignored it and started the video.
It was ununbelievable, it was a mysterious video, while I was watching the video I was realizing like I am inside the video and what ever is happening is with me. It was a horrible video and I can feel it very clearly. I was getting wet by the swept of my head. I wanted to cry but my eyes were going dry, there was no drops of tears in it.
Suddenly the door of my room knocked hardly and my body brightened up.
I shut down the laptop and went to open the door. There was my sister.
She said " didi what was you doing? How long have I been knocking on the door". "Ohhh , I am really sorry, I was doing an important work".said I.
In night when I was having dinner with my family I was only brooming about the video. Mom said " what happened my child, you are looking very tensed?"
"No mom , I am alright. I said ".
Then I went to the kitchen to put the utensils in the sink. When I was going towards my room I noticed some super natural power around me. I got very scared and all the horabil scenes were coming to my mind. As soon as possible I went to my room and close the door quickly. That night I was very disturb. Therefore I went to sleep quickly. When I was sleeping I felt someone is staring at me. I opened my eyes but there was no one. I drank a glass of water and I saw a woman in my room. I was shocked and opened my phone's flashlight to see but there was again no one, I once again looked at the room and I saw the video's
woman who was coming towards me. I was crying and crying and soon they came close to me but before they could do something with me I screamed loudly and my parents came in my room and opened the lights but when they entered there wawasn't the woman. Mom asked " what happened, why you had screamed loudly?" But I didn't told them the truth, I said " nothing I had seen a very horrible nightmare. "
Then I asked my mom to sleep with me.
Next morning, I quickly opened my laptop and deleted the video.
After deleting the video nothing like that happened with me since now.

© # Piii #