

Beware Two: Addition (Page 3)
Angels of the future.....Hold hands and unite!!! Show your rivals that you're not sleeping, show them that you're tired of being their toys, show them that they're not smarter than you, and show them that they are not the champions the war!! Do your homework, trust your instincts, watch your back, and look both ways!! You will be born into an occult division on a sorcerous plantation of hybrid humans!!! In this plantation; your organs will be (tainted/corrupted), your privacy will be invaded; and you are going to be held hostage, physically assaulted, recorded on hidden video cameras, detached from the outside world, forced to consume slop everyday, forced to do sexual acts that you don't wanna do, seeing objects disappear or move by itself, seeing disfigured demons or seeing the lights flicker by itself, smelling all kinds of strange smells, hearing demonic scary sounds, and the hybrids that are inhabiting the plantation will be utilizing the power of their natural inhuman abilities and blending it with black magick to experiment with you and to torture you. The house that they bring you to; when you are a newborn and when you are exited from the hospital is where you will be kept in bondage forever and ever! The family members living in the house with you is not your family. Your real uncles, your real aunts, your real cousins, your real nieces, your real nephews, your real grandparents, and your real mother (and/or) father was swapped after they were sacrificed and was replaced with monsters. These are malevolent diabolical creatures that resided in hell before crossing over and making their way into your family to rape you, abuse you, decieve you, and kill you in your generation; and are the same bastards that attacked the other ones like you in the eras before your era. They keep dying and reliving again, but they do not die in every century until they have completely wiped out all of the angels; leaving only their kind alive. Not all of them come back as humans during their reincarnation process! Some have to remain dead and have to work in spirit form with the living demons who agreed to come back as humans in physical form. These people you have been living with and are pretending to be your family are imposters. They were alive in several different time periods and have been changing their identities constantly. Every time zone they have lived in; they have hurt, killed, and had intercourse with angels like you. They're not real human beings! They are servants of Satan and they are undercover business owners that are rich. Butchering angels is what promotes their career!! They are a secret Luciferian society and they run a secret business. I mentioned what their business involves in the first "Beware" letter, so feel free to re-read it any time you want!! They have an employee doing a job in every area of their business. As soon as one person's shift is over; another person clocks in. The business is open 24 hours a day and it is international; meaning that they are in all countries, all cities, and all states!! There is a worker in the filming department, the paperwork department, the court department, the police department, the culinary department, the bathroom department, the cleaning department, the shopping department, the friendship department, the marriage department, the dating department, the bank department, the pregnancy department, the online department, the credit card and debit card department, the weather department, the metamorphosis department, the stealing department, the transportation department, the parental department, the electronic department, the therapy department, the health department, and the school department.
Your family and their workers know everything about you. They can see every purchase or call that you make, every contact that you have in your contact list, every thought that you think inside of your head, every time you change your clothes, every time you take a bath, every dream that you have when you're sleeping, everything that you watch on TV, everything you search on the Internet, everybody that you hang out with, every text message that you send, everywhere you go when you leave the house, and every time you pee or do the number two. They've got access to all of this; including your social security number, and your birth certificate!!! You won't be able to live your life without them following you, without them screwing up every area in your life, without them interfering with your life plans, without them spying on you each second, and without them being one step ahead of you to rob you of what the lord intended for you to have. The dreadful life you are living is not your life. Your real life has been misplaced!! The demons took yours when they sacrificed you as a baby, so they could live yours while you live theirs. I used to wonder why they would take standard jobs or minimum wage jobs if they were VIPs of a wealthy business. With that type of money; I figured there would be no reason to work an average job! That's the question I always asked myself when I first found out, but now it has became clear to me and now I understand that they had to do that to solidify and to stay true to their acting role of impersonating a human being, so no one would suspect anything. I know that what I am telling you sounds deranged but it's true. I'm not making this up and you will soon see it for yourself. Farewell angels!! If I do not break the curse; hopefully one of you can do it; but if I succeed in breaking the curse; you can thank me in the afterlife when we meet. #familycurse #generationalcurse #familygenerationalcurse #cursedfamily #addition #partwo #part2 #wakeup #cursed #wakeupbeforeitstoolate
© Club Kira