

Love Triangle

The black sky with constellation finally lended the sun a chance to rule the sky for only hours,arise and shine,the new day was already here and Clementine was so spirited as she done the chores expeditious.She had already cooked breakfast and set the table the way she was instructed."Clementine please go call Kylie,time is no longer on our side"instructed Shirley.She swiftly went up the stairs going straight to Kylie's bedroom,with sweat all over her flabby round face,as she turned and walked through the little cloister that led her to the Kyle's bedroom,her mood instantly changed.She wasn't ready to see his face,her guts could let her feel when something was about to happen the wrong way.She didn't know what would that be,never wanted to jump into conclusions by conjecturing a lot.
She placed her hand in her pocket and took out a packet of facial wipes,had a cold wet wipe to get rid of all the sweat that had moistened her face.After the feeling plumming oneself,her fist gentle knocked on the the door,her feets taking a step back.The bedroom door fleet swung open,Kylie showed up not anticipating to see a yellow round doll face.

Clementine stood there,choking on words,gawking at the naked upper body of the young man who stood before her.Her eyes were mesmerized by Kylie's sturdiness,the lines in between his six packs were so shallow.He looked like an artificial muscle man.He whole body was shining from the frangranced oil he saturated his body with.Slowy her eyes moved down,inspected his belly button where under it a white short towel was tied around his waist.Half of his thighs were exposed outside.Her eyes went back to Kylie's face.Clementine abashed a little over herself,she started speaking"Your mom said I should call you to come downstairs,you are getting late" after saying that she fastly turned and made her way back downstairs.

Now how she felt about the entire thing she thought she had forseen between her and Kylie was made worse by what she just saw.She couldn't put her mind to what she was doing,her mind had captured the picture or Kylie naked and now she could barely concentrate,those muscles that looked like a six bars chocolate were all over her mind.She had eggs on her face,the moment was sheepish.She didn't have the nerve to face Kylie ever again.

During the day,when she was standing by the balcony alone.Silenty looking at the beautiful and quite neighborhood.Kylie walked behind her,his footsteps were so silent more like a midnight ghost walking around.He stood to her and kept quite.To Clementine it felt like she was rolling over the muddy paddles of disgrace,being next to that guy just didn't feel right.His presence was now suffocating her,he seemed like a stalker.
"You look bored"he said
"I thought you were at work"said Clementine feeling annoyed.
"I'm working from home today"he answered.
"Then you and I have some work to do"said Clementine leaving the balcony.
"Wait a minute,you were all relaxed when I got here why are you leaving?"asked Kylie following her.
"You can't ask me that can't you see I'm busy?"said Clementine rushing inside the house.
Kylie walks faster than her and blocks her way.
"What's wrong with you?what do you want?"asked Clementine fuming.
"Why are you being like this,I want us to talk we can be friends"said Kylie.
Clementine said no word,just showed him his face shouting "I'm not interested" then leaned against the wall as she made a way for her to pass.
"Okay look...I'm sorry if I disturbed your peace.You don't have to feel disgraced about what happened in the morning if that is what it is about"said Kylie.
Clementine faked a giggled just to shake off the shame and pin it on Kylie.
"Did something happen in the morning?I don't know what are you talking about.Now move,I have work to do,I didn't come here to make friends"said Clementine as she walked away.

Kylie just stood there and watched her as the walls slowly hid her.He was so blown away by what he just saw,he never thought that Clementine had that harsh side,he never thought that he was going to see that side very soon.Nonetheless he didn't feel bad about what just happened,Clementine was going to be around for a vey long time so he knew she was going to come around.

Later that day,after dinner had been served.Shirley wrapping left over sliced fruits from dinner and Clementine washing the dishes.Kylie entered the kitchen to get himself a glass of water and her mother felt a relief that he was there,that meant he could finally take over what she was doing because her feets were aching from standing the whole day.Kylie was happy,wanted to prove a point to Clementine that she can never escape him for as long as they are under the same roof.He went over and wrapped up what her mother was doing after she had left the room.Clementine just wanted the earth to open up and swallow her,they kept on saccading at each other until Kylie started talking first.
"Are you mad at me?"he asked.
"Can't you just work and be quiet?"answered Clementine.
"You really don't have to be like this.Look,I'm sorry for what happened earlier on.I didn't mean to invade and be clingy"said Kylie.
"What you did was total wrong Kylie"she answered.
"That's why I'm apologizing,or you don't want to hear it?I should go tell my mom that you and I are already butting heads because you saw me naked?"asked Kylie.
Clementine had no energy to argue anymore,she put down the tablecloth on the table and folded her arms.
"I'm sorry too for being rude to you,I don't know what had gotten in me.Can we please put aside all the even that occured today then after,let me do what I came here for in peace please"instructed Clementine.
"It's okay,I'll do that"said Kylie.
"Goodnight"said Clementine rushing out of the house heading to the cottage.

After a very hot short shower,she stood before the dressing table and admired the reflection of what she saw on the mirror,she gently massaged her body with vanilla scented tissue oil,from her chest down to her breast,crossing her stomach going down to her thighs and her boned feets.She was wearing a summer silk pyjama to that matched with it's short tight bottoms.Just when she was about to get into her bed,a knock on the door interrupted.She went to get the door and Kylie was standing there beaming at what he saw.Her face was so refreshed and clean.Her whole body was exposed,her curvaceous lower part had Kylie looking at her without blinking,his eyes looked again her thick spotless thighs,crossed up her her stomach and stopped on her breasts that had a sparkle from shine and light

"You forgot your phone at the kitchen"said Kylie as he handed it over to Clementine.
Giving it to her he felt her soft and slippery hand and both their hearts changed the pace of beats.He closed his door on his way out and left Clementine feeling overwhelmed,after she thought that she was over what happened in the morning,the scene gets repeated and now she was the one who drew attention.

She was so bored,she didn't know how she was going to face Kylie in the morning.She jumped over the bed and covered her face with a fluffy pillow.


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