

Pieces of my life
From around the time I was born. My biological parents divorced and I lived with my mother until I was 14. My biological father spent those years in and out of my life. Up until this point I lived with my mother and at my fathers convenience we would go there if he had time. At the beginning of my sixth grade year my sister was diagnosed with euing sarcoma a bone cancer. I will not place the influence of my troubles on that alone. Many factors played roles in the troubled path i was headed. Not really having guidance in those times led me more than anything. My biological father's absence, my mother living in a hospital to care for my sister, my brother leaving home at 16 , as well as ny own choices. I spent many nights alone in an empty house. My step father would occasionally make his stop at home but typically he would work and head straight to the hospital. 12-14 year old me would spend the night alone. My trouble started slowly as just the class clown. Then progressively grew into trouble with drugs and fighting. It did not take long for the police to get involved. At 14 years old my mother signed rights over to my biological father because she couldn't handle the stress that I had been putting her through, while tending to a child with a chronic illness. I resented the idea whole heartedly and I was not scared to let that be know. I would have rather lived on the streets and so I did. I ran away from home so much I've lost count. I would be picked up by police and I would run out the back door of my house when I got home.
Well in June 2011 there was no more running. I was detained and sent to a youth center in Muncie Indiana. On June 14th 2011 I was taken to court and sentenced to the youth Department of corrections in Indiana.
December 12th 2011. I was released after serving six months.
Yet, my troubles haven't ended. After release I was placed back into the custody of my father. On December 26th 2011 my biological father and I were in a physical altercation after I voiced my beliefs about him and he didn't like that.
After the altercation my parole officer was called and I thought I was headed back for another D.O.C sentence.
Knowing I was facing more time. I tried to do what was best for myself and apologized. My parole officer was called back and I dodged a bullet.
My feelings about my living situation remained.
A few weeks later I was put in to be discharged from parole. I was granted my discharge. I was free.
January 2012
A short while later I was able to get myself kicked out of school.
My hopes were that I would be able to get out of my current living situation. Not entirely. I was allowed to spend some time at my mom's and when the opportunity presented itself and it was time to go back. I took off. I had no intentions of going back. My parents decided to let me spend the remainder of the school year at My Mother's. At this time we were living in the country and my sister was fighting her second battle with cancer. I was spending most of my nights running around with my friends or alone, again.
I was running around with my friends out on expulsion. Feeling like the world was ours and everyone else was living in it.
It felt like months passed in seconds and it's mid summer. Karma was knocking at my door and I had no idea.
I was walking to the Middle School in a group of 4-5. One of my buddies said they knew the people that were walking up across the street and said we should talk to them.
We cross the street and approach the girls walking. The entire time I'm oblivious to the fact they may be scared or intimidated. Not by just me necessarily, but the approach of a group of men.
So, I'm broke as a joke. I ask the girl do you have a dollar?
She hands me five.
I see she is chewing gum and ask hey do you have a piece I could have?
She hands me a pack
The whole time I'm thinking wow this person is so generous.
I misread. That was not what had unfolded.
Fast forward
I'm not sure how much time had passed. Maybe a few weeks. Possibly a month.
I was informed I had been charged with theft and conversion. My mind was blank. I genuinely had no idea why these charges were brought upon me.
Now I have a court date in July.
I had fear it was gonna be what sent me away again.
July came around and the court date was here.
I walk in the court room and see a deputy sheriff holding shackles and I am the only person in the court room, because I am a juvenile.
Flight is in my mind. I don't like this. I should run.
To be continued... Tune in