

Appearance is Often Deceptive
One day a deer went to a pool to quench his thirst. the pool water was so clear and still that he could see his reflection in it quiet vividly.He looked at the image of his antlers and felt proud to their beauty.

Suddenly. his eyes fell on the reflection of his fore legs. though Slender to look at, they gave
him his high speed. But he felt sad seeing them. with heavy heart. he quenching his thirsty hardly. had his raised his head when he saw a lion coming towards him so he took to his heels and the lion was left cars behind.

The deer sign of relief. But unfortunately his Antlers has cought in a thicket. He tried his best to be a free but could not. In the meantime.The lion came quiet closer.

The deer now cursed himself condamning his legs and praising his horns. But now could do nothing.The lion overtook him and tores him to pieces.

The deer was having pride for his horns. because of which. he became the food of the lion.on the other hand. he was cursing his legs .which only could save him from the grip of the lion.....
© @Malik_writer_