

Choice to Live
Try to do everything.
Try to adjust everywhere.
Even if something is not required right now, learn it for any future possibility.
Think, live and plan as if you are all alone and no one is, or will be, there to help you.
This way, you can never turn your back, never give up and never run away.
Why, you may ask.
If you don't learn this lesson, the universe will teach you in it's own way ; which is most of the times very painful.
Has this ever happened to you that you hated something very strongly, but you somehow ended up doing it? You hated it, so that means you could never have even thought of planning to do it. But still you end up doing it. How?
The Supreme force or the Paramatma (Hindi),the universe wants it,so It's doing it. Don't ask why,as the answer can take forever to be formed.
But the main thing is, to AVOID OUR OWN SUFFERINGS.
If we don't become aware of certain things, just because we don't like them or because they are out of our comfort zone and we are avoiding and are planning our best to avoid them, we are going to land straight among those things! And then for us it will not be a landing, but a terrible Crash!
But if we start learning, try to understand and try to adjust, it's definitely not going to be a crash atleast,and hence it will not hurt that much. It will just be a wrong landing from what we'd have planned. And then we'll be like, "OK. Let's see what can be done now."
And isn't this what we always want to feel when hit by sudden tragedy, misfortune or distress?
If we are prepared or aware even a bit beforehand, that hit would be less painful.

When we lose someone, we usually think how wrong it is, how bad the Lord is and other things like that. But we all know that loss is inevitable. If instead of denying it, we start accepting it, it will be way less painful.

Have bits of knowledge and understanding about almost everything around you; be it something physical like a person or an asset, or something abstract like fear or hurt.
Face it, observe it, accept it, learn from it, take experience from it,and keep moving.
You come alone, you'll go alone and in between you'll be all alone in your inner struggles, so start facing them alone.
You are not a machine, to have come into this world with a manual helping out with all kinds of errors.
You are a Life ; you Learn, and then you Live. Everything squeezing in between is your Breathing and your Existence.
You will surely Exist! But it's your choice to LIVE.
And if you are still thinking we live On planet earth, upgrade yourself a bit and understand this, ' We Always Live IN The Present.'
It's always better to have More' Failures' than More 'If Only's' ; obviously without hurting someone.

Issued in self interest.
© bani745