

I have realized two thing about myself these last few weeks. That (1) I am way to in touch with who i am as a person which gets me in the most trouble because were im to kind for my own good others may not be so much. and (2) I may not ever be the person who put 150% of my heart into anything i do and that may also be a bad trait to hold because that leaves me vulnerable to all the people that may be out to do harm in my life. So ive decided i need to try to be more aware of things that dont also have my best intrest or intentions at heart. As end will result maybe in my hurts feelings or dissappointments less likely to happen. Only what if thats who you are. What if who you are is that person that wears there heart on there sleeve. How do accomidate them both and be bith people???? Sometimes I guess you change easly or the hard way but life is simple. Its either black or white. it can be either or but never both at the same time.