

After alien strikes the shield was only 50 % power only 1.5 weaks are left to destroy shield 🛡🛡 and we are in a fear feeling and and my friend lavanthika and viawha gave a idea that we can search for other aliens they will be many aliens in the universe we can ask help to them they said. yes it is a good idea I said and we send many rador siginal to many place and at the center of the space we got a siginal that we will help they sent this message in our launage and we were shocked and happy that some has their to help us and we said please come to earth and we should meet you they message ok and in five minutes an electro eight came from the sky and they came they was like humans and said hi I am ODIN iam an asgaurdian from asgaurd and he came with his two sons named loki and thor ⚡ he is god of thunder and we welcomed and we arranged a meeting with all presidents of all country and we talk about the pirates and thor said we attack them and we have 1.5 lakhs of asgaurdians soildgees who are ready for battle. He said and neitraa said but it will cause damage and many humans and asgaudians will be kiled and said yes the presidents and I said that no it is the correct we can attack 🔫👊
them loki laugh you can't take part I'm the battle you are a small boy hahahah. I was very angry and left that place and went to my research place and I think to upgrade my suite with the robot pirates 🏴‍☠️ parts and I started my work and I keep many equipments by seeing many movies and I got an idea that thor is the God of thunder and I should powerful than him and I make my suit powerful and.

.....AFTER 3 DAYS .......
I met odin and I said that Mr. odin I want new wepon which can control thunder and he said ok but you should defet my son thor he said I said ok and the next day we started our battle and I fought with him very hardly but I can't win him and I was defeted by him and I was so sad that time thor came and said ok I will five my hammer to you but you should lift this first then I will give with a 🔥fire and positive mind I lift it and said that wow super ok for now you are the owner of this hammer meanmore and I asked then for you he said hahahaha I have another and he show a very big hammer and named as atom breaker and I merged meanmor with my suit and I made a titanium shield 🛡like (captian America) and we are training for the war and only 10 days are left are we became very strong for the battle.

AFTER 10 DAYS.................................
we are ready now and in 10 min shield will destroyed and the monster will enter the earth. that time my friend harinish gave me an idea that we can keep our battle in space he said and other said it is a good idea but we can't take humans to space and we have no space ships to take them and odin said in asgaurd we have many space ship and I will brint them here he said and he said an condition that but after war you should not research on the space ship that how to make it and you should return all to as back after war he said and we also accepted and and we went to space we battled I was veryhard and many of their spaceships has been destroyed and finaly I met their boss tenorock and I and thor fight with him and finaly we arrested him and plan to kill him.. and he requested us that please leave me and will not come back and we can friends and he said we also accepted and he went and we said thanks for odins and other and they also returned and every problem has been over
DARE DEVIL WILL BE BACK.............. . .....

(note for readers)