


Her lover was her only reason to survive this chaotic world, yet she hides her feelings from him. Will she be able to tell him before she dies?


"My life has ended... I just smiled at him... Why are you doing this?" he asked angrily. I just keep my smile because... I LOVE YOU... If I had one more chance in this life, I will definitely... pursue you and haunt you forever... I will have the courage to say out loud... I love you, Kai... Death comes coldly towards me... I feel it...
Suddenly, I opened my eyes!
Sigh... It was just a dream. Now I'm still traveling NORTH!
Even in this dream... I still don't have the courage to tell him. So this is all my dream, I imagined this situation 100 times in my head. I was a little dramatic, why?
I am the tragic woman of my whole life. So, I want to end this scene as if the tragic heroine receives a passionate kiss from her unspeakable lover of hers who is a hero. That will never happen!

Yeah, I know you're confused about what's going on here and who I am. My name is Avora Layne. I'm just a lower-ranked soldier. In 2045, the Seventh World War broke out between the continents. Now, I fight for my continent. Women, children, and all people also participated in this war because our world population was now 30%. Before WW5, there was WW3, where 90% of the population of the entire continent was wiped out. Many nations and cultures were slaughtering each other, and the countries we knew in the past are now mentioned in our history books as myths because they no longer exist. Now, continents exist on Earth and are at war. I am also trained to fight for my continent as an honor, so I don't even care about my death because I am orphaned. I was even raised in a military camp. But things changed when I met him... Kai Wheeler, the force commander of N. What does my commander mean? Kai was like me, he doesn't even care about his death. But he is interested in the N force. He treated us all like his own family!
N Kraft included 20 members. We were not distinguished members of the war, but when we met Kai, we became number 1.

Kai is not like other commanders; he values the humanity around him. It gives meaning to people. Even in times of war, he hesitates to kill other soldiers, so he is brilliant at hurting them, but he never kills. He only kills when necessary. If he does this, he won't eat or drink for a day, walk away from everyone, and the guilt will always haunt him. He is handsome, but his heart shines even more than his face. So I'm just attracted to him, even though I'm just an average soldier who doesn't have excellent fighting skills. So it's true that he will never be attracted to me. Yet, I see that there are so many female soldiers who attack him according to their wish. I heard that some of them even seduced him, but they all end up in his wrath. But to me, he is the reason to live. I just wish that before my death, I want to tell him, "I LOVE YOU"... that's all.

I don't want to hear his answer or anything. Even if he refuses, it's okay. But I still remember that burying your feelings for someone was the most suicidal thing in your life. So my secret love is now 8 years old. In these years, I see him every day and every night... and in the end, I bury my feelings for him. But things turn into the sudden war that erupted from the North Pole. So he selected only 6 members for the mission, and surprisingly, I was one of them. Now let's travel north to research and complete our mission. Now he is in the truck opposite mine, so this caused my tragic dream, as I explained earlier, which ended in a love confession. What a joke!

I just looked at him. He and others took a nap.

The sad thing is that there were four girls on our team, including our vice-captain, Liliya Smith. She is a beautiful woman. The bitter truth is that she is his only girlfriend. I have heard many rumors that he and Liliya are engaged and planning to get married after this war. This news has left me heartbroken and filled with jealousy. I even cursed and prayed to God, asking Him to kill her first and then, after my confession, kill me too.

She tried her best to win him over, but he was uninterested. My other colleagues were discussing the mission, and I remained silent. I think it's for the best.

After four hours, we arrived at our destination: the North Pole Station. There was snow everywhere, and an icy wind blew past us. Officers approached us and saluted the commander. They informed us about the current situation at the station, suspecting that terrorists were camping nearby. Our mission was to eliminate the entire terrorist camp. Sigh... this is a deadly mission. I don't know if I will survive or not. But I just looked at Kai; he had a serious expression on his face. After entering the station, we went to our cabins. Surprisingly, they were paired together. Vice-captain Liliya wanted to be with Kai, but he seemed annoyed. Then the others chose their pairs, but Max and I remained. Suddenly, Kai came to me and asked me to stay with him. I panicked and almost spilled my tea. My heart almost exploded when he approached me. Then Max also chose the vice commander's cabin. Liliya's face was angry; she glared at me. I just looked at Kai, as if he was waiting for my permission to enter the cabin. Then I said, "Yes."

Two days have passed, and it is true that I am with him. However, he never looks me in the face. He always ignores me when we are in the locker room. Nothing happens between us. I try to hide my feelings as much as possible. He is always busy with the others, and I barely have time to train in shooting. My elders say that I don't have a perfect aim, so I have to work harder. There are two beds in the cabin, but we never sleep at the same time. When he sleeps, I don't go to bed, and vice versa. My colleagues ask how the commander is doing
And I say coldly, "I don't know." Lilya always annoys him, but he always gives her the cold shoulder. When she saw me, she started cursing me secretly. Then I'll smile at her, like I don't care anyway. The mission was supposed to start in two weeks, but I have pain in my shoulder. This is not good. One day, at night, I went back to the cabin to sleep. I feel so tired and dizzy. My vision is not clear, but I know its presence. But the pain in my whole body is killing me. Suddenly, darkness engulfed my eyes, but I feel someone calling my name and holding me.

"Hey... don't take this path... it's a trap!" I yelled at him. He gives me a suspicious look. "Really and truly?" he smiled at me. "Yes... please... trust me..." He just turned around and tried to walk in that direction... "Stop!" I was crying...

"Stop what?" I just opened my eyes in anger!

"Shit, where am I?" The nurse stared at me. "Are you OK?" she asked me. "Yes," I answered her. I don't remember what happened then, so I asked her, "Who sent me here?" She smiled at me and told me it was the commander. I was just frozen and I looked at her. He ordered her to take care of my health, but he did not visit me. What am I waiting for? I don't know.

The days passed again. I have regained my health and my aim is good now too. My teammates visit me these days, even Vice Commander Lilya came too. I heard she was shocked when the commander took me. He takes me here. The nurses in the infirmary started gossiping about me and also about the commandant, but I was still silent. I expected him to come and see me, but he didn't.
Tomorrow is the day of our deadly mission, so we got together and discussed our plan. Kai had a perfect plan, but I have a bad feeling. Like in my dream, will we die here? I just can't shake this feeling. It's freezing there... Slowly, we reached our goal. As we suspected, they were terrorists. The terrorists were busy repairing their weapons, as they planned to attack our base in the morning. Fortunately, we arrived early. Our team started shooting. The enemy base was barricaded with weapons and traps. We fought each of them. Suddenly, Kai told me to save my weapon power because he needed my help with something. That's why he's covering me now! Then, we traded guns when we had the right chance. As I expected, they started to lose control because they had no chance of winning against us. My team is the best. They are all good at shooting, while I'm just average.

After 2 hours, the mission was successful. We waited for our comrades to join us. We sent messages and searched and measured weapons. The enemy territory was fully under our control. Then, while everyone was busy, Kai and I went searching outside the territory. Once again, this bad feeling came over me. I told him to go back to the base, but he didn't listen. The snow was getting stronger. Eventually, he agreed to go back. Suddenly, I felt something. Click... I got scared and looked at Kai. After seeing it, my heart broke. He stood still and didn't move an inch. I realized he had fallen into a mine trap, one of the deadliest traps. I was frozen for a second. My head went blank. I was about to cry, but I controlled my tears. He told me to leave him, but I didn't hear anything. I gave my colleagues a red flame as a signal light. They would be arriving here any minute. Kai scolded me for staying with him, but I refused and stayed by his side. Suddenly, we heard a noise. We understood that an avalanche was coming our way. It could arrive here at any moment. All my hopes were fading. He smiled at me kindly and told me to let him go. His smile was enough to make my resolve stronger.

I started laughing at him. He looked at me like I had lost my mind or something. I approached him. This was my chance. "Kai...I love you. Suddenly, I kissed him. He was amazed and shocked. In that moment, I pushed him and now he was free, and now I'm in his place. He was shocked and tried to talk, and then I saw an avalanche coming towards me. I told him, "Please take care of your life for someone." Then I saw my colleagues approaching him and suddenly everything went blank. I felt something beaming, and my eyes were engulfed in darkness.

***Someone is actually calling my name. I just opened my eyes and saw Kai's face next to me. We had a small space between our lips. I was shocked and panicked. "Are you OK?" he asked me. "Oh, I'm fine," I told him with a smile. He stared at me and I pretended nothing had happened. Then suddenly, he drew me into a kiss. I was shocked for a moment. This kiss was soft and only lasted a few seconds. I blushed and looked at his face. I still couldn't believe it. "I'm dreaming," I asked myself.

"No," he told me with a smile. I was confused, so I asked him, "What's going on?" He began to explain with a friendly smile. "It's true, you saved my life, but you're standing in the wrong place. You are truly one of the luckiest people I have ever seen. When the avalanche came, the ground shook and you fell into a safe area with us. The mine had exploded, but you passed out." I suddenly understood why it made sense.

Then I started asking him about the kiss, but he cut me off and said, "About the kiss, I have already accepted your feelings. I'm not crazy for ignoring the true feelings I had a moment ago. So, I love you, Ava. It seems like you are really meant for me, and I don't want to lose you again." He hugged me tightly. Does that mean he already has feelings for me? I couldn't hold back the tears. Finally, my life had meaning. I didn't expect so much. I don't have enough courage for that. And he scolded me for risking my life instead of using my IQ. Damn, this guy!

# My commendations have visited me, so we are ready to leave the north base. This time, my dreams come true. I don't know how long I can stay with him, But My true feelings are stronger than my wishes, that's why I contacted him. I don't know, I just give him my warm smile. And now, he smiles at me and whispers in my ear, "I won't let you go so easily." And I whisper back to him, "I'm waiting..."

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