

My last entry
Everyone has a fear. It varies from person to person, human to human, life to life. It could be a simple flu shot that makes someone shiver, or perhaps a reptile which makes their skin crawl. These fears also come in different sizes. They vary from minor to major- it could be something that simply makes you nervous, or maybe something that makes you freeze in place, like a statue under a violet moon. To some, it will become such an issue that it will be classed as a phobia- something that effects them wherever they go, unbending in its ways. It doesn't sound that bad, but if you have had one, you will understand what I mean.

Though, no one with a phobia will be reading this- in fact, it's unlikely anyone ever will. It will just be left on some shelf to rot, gathering dust as the words fade to white. If anyone were to find it, it would be after this hellish nightmare ended. Yet, I don't think there is an end, even after death takes you into it's clutches. All of us, or just me for I am not certain if anyone else is left, have done horrid things to survive; we have all made sacrifices, each in our own accord, for this purpose.

Some stole from vans they found in the park, others killed people who could do harm, and all have lost. No-one here is clean of sin- we are all in that category, so we will all be on a trip down below. So no, I don't think this torture will end... this is the only reason I'm still here.

If I thought it would end, I wouldn't be here- I would have given up a long time ago. That's what all the people inflicted with phobias did; everything they feared came to life, and they couldn't handle it... so they ended it, at the barrel of a gun.

No one really knows how they started appearing- these errors in creation that transform into the thing you most fear, before tearing your mind and body apart strand by strand. Some said God had got tired of us and wanted to pull the plug, others said they were an experiment gone wrong, and many believed they had they had escaped from below. That was a month ago and we are still as uncertain as we were back then- the only difference is that now no one thinks about it. If they did, they would die a death of uncertainty, and nobody wants that.

They never stopped hunting. If they got your scent, even if it was just a whiff, you were as good as dead. That was my situation. They had caught me- I was a goner. That is why I'm sitting here writing this- there is no point in running, they will chase until you can no longer run. There is no point in hiding either- there eyesight is perfect, and they can hear even the slightest breathe from a mile away. So yes, I'm a goner. Any second they could come, and tear me limb from limb. They're probably already here. And I still will not run. After all, there is no surviving once they get your scent.

#death # horror #monster # hunt #hopeless #goner #alone

© IxxyHazz