

The Science Between Arts
Chapter 1- Miles From Campus

copyright © 2020. A_adewumi. All Rights Reserved.

I tucked my chin in my knees, bringing it closer to my face while I looked at the whiny child beside me.

"Shoes off my seat, Mackenzie." My dad, Henry, scolded from the front, his hands tightening on the steering wheel in anger.

I shrugged, ignoring him. "What are you looking at?"

My little brother, Desmond, shook his head furiously before concentrating on the book he pretended to read, sending quick glances at me when he thought I wasn't looking.

"Mackenzie!" My mother, Becca, hissed, she darted her hands to the back, her hands hitting my legs then resorting to dragging it down when I didn't react to her.

"Get your cheating hands off me!" I screamed, uncaring if Desmond didn't know or not. If he didn't know what happened between his mother and the-

"That is it!" Henry said, he hurriedly parked the car. His hasty attempt to unbuckle the seat belt made him fumble over and over while mumbling profanities under his breath.

Finally, the seatbelt gave way. He opened the door, fumbling with it once more. Other cars zoomed past us, not knowing a storm will be brewing anytime soon.

Henry opened my door, his fist tightening in anger. "Put your feet down my seat, Mackenzie."

I rolled my eyes, irritatedd by how big he made the situation become. I looked beside me, Desmond was shaking in fear. He knew what would happen when a brawl begins in the Weldon household.

"Make me." I ignored Desmond's begging for me to let it go, I ignored my mother- Becca- begging for me to obey my father, I ignored the heat of anger my father passed.

"I have had it with you!" He yelled, grabbing a fistful of my hair before yanking me outside. "I will not house a brat!"

He shoved me to the floor in anger. I winced at the pain in my knees and elbows when my body came in contact with the stones on the floor.

"Henry, please." Pathetic. All she would do is beg and cry without doing anything, when it is all her fault.

"Don't get involved, Rebecca!" He shouted, opening the boot of the car, taking my bags before trowing it on the floor.

"Your begging will not work this time!" I scoffed at his statement.

"Her begging?" I stood up, my feet trembling beneath me. "Her begging! She hasn't done anything for this family!"

Desmond looked uncomfortable in the backseat, weighing his options of interfering or just watching it play out.

"All she has done is to sleep around with your boss, till she got pregnant with that bastard-" A punch sent me flying back to the floor.

"You will not talk about your mother that way!" Henry hovered above my retreating form. "Never!"

"You're as much as a cheat as she is." I spat, distracting myself from the pain in my jaw. "Desmond. Are you going to stay here?"

Desmond's eyes were wide with surprise. "I-I"

"Leave your brother out of this." My dad hissed.

"Mom is sleeping with dad's boss, so he can get a promotion. She's pregnant, Desmond." I ignored my dad. "You can come with me. I'll take care of you, I promise."

The twelve year old shook his head. "I-I"

"They will still kick you out when they find out, Desmond." He froze, his eyes pleading with me not to reveal his secret.

"I won't say it. You'll tell them, when they kick you out. I'll take you in." My eyes watered in tears. "I promise."

Dad shut the door, buckling his seatbelt while he started the car.
"That's eight hundred dollars. It should take you to school, sort you out for a while. Don't worry about your fees, I'll still pay them."

"Fuck you." I hissed, hugging the money to my chest while my eyes brimmed with tears.

"I hate you." I whispered after they had turned back. Going home, going to their home.

That's chapter one. The number of votes I get will influence my updates.
So vote! vote! vote!
It'll be easier to get the next update if you follow, but if you know you can get it either way, fine by me.

So 8 votes equals Chapter 2.

*Don't even think about copying my book for any reason because I will find out, I will hunt you down and I will sue you for everything you have.
Don't think becayse you're far away doesn't mean I won't know, I will find out.

*I'm not a professional writer, so there will mostly be spelling errors, maybe a bit of punctuation or something.

That should be it.

Bye for now