

Shards of memories chapter 1
In this story, our characters are gems like rubies and sapphires and more..hope you enjoy!!


Every gem has their own purpose on existing, the future where human elements had separated into three elements
Yellow Diamond: Peridot!! I heard there's a new gem??

Peridot: oh yeah, she's about to form her body formation

Red Diamond: What type of gem is it?

Peridot: hmmm..Oh! its a new type! its a fluorite!!

Yellow diamond: what's her hardness?

Peridot: still unknown but we'll see

During this moment, a new gem has formed, her colors were soft and vibrant it had white, purple and blue

Red Diamond: Oh! she's so pretty

Yellow Diamond: her color is very soft too

Peridot: wow...uhhh..

Yellow Diamond: what's wrong?

Peridot: her hardness is 4

Red Diamond: well there's nothing wrong with it

Yellow Diamond: I agree

Peridot: of you say so, I'll teach her a few things and cover her skin with powder and give her some clothes and she'll meet you in the gem chambers

Both Diamonds: ok!


Peridot: Hi, umm your the new gem here

Fluorite: Yes I know.

Peridot: great, I'm gonna teach you basic things to know about our world


Peridot: we are gem people which means we break and shatter when we get hit, as for your hardness 4/10, you need to be more careful so you won't break often because you are quite brittle

Fluorite: ok..

Peridot: We fight the serenoids, the serenoids wants to get us and turn us into weapons, what they want most are diamonds because they're hardness is 10/10 so they're great materials to be used as weapons.

Fluorite: mhm

Peridot: when fighting out there, take care of yourself and your partner, if you have an emergency just in case something happens, go and run and ring the bell as loud as you can ok?

Fluorite: mhm

Peridot: ok, here are your clothes now go put them on



Fluorite: I'm done

Peridot: great you look-

Chrysoberyl: Oh my do you look gorgeous!! your the new gem?

Fluorite: yes I am

Peridot: Chrysoberyl!!!!

Chrysoberyl: woops!! sorry hehe

Peridot: ughhhh, can you guide fluorite to the diamonds?

Chrysoberyl: oh sure!!


Chrysoberyl: did Peridot teach you about the basic stuff?

Fluorite: she did


Chyrosberyl: my oh my your not that talkative are you?

Fluorite: I guess I'm not

Chrysoberyl: well here are the diamonds' room, see ya around starshine

Fluorite: ok

(Fluorite enters)

Red Diamond: your here!

Yellow diamond: finally your here!! me and red will teach you more stuff about our life around here ok?

Fluorite: ok

Red diamond: The serenoids have captured a few fellow gems of ours and turned into weapons, when they fight us, sometimes they use a few of their parts and luckily we have collected their gem pieces.

Fluorite: ohh

Yellow diamond: when its an emergency ring the bell right outside in the grass grounds, ring it twice if its an emergency and your partner is captured and ring it thrice if you have a valuable information that you want to report to everyone ok?

Fluorite: got it!

Yellow diamond: well, now you are an official Junior Gem, welcome to the world!

Fluorite, the harsh world and the harsh enemies, and with her brittle body, how can she manage?? we'll see as we go on with the story!!

To be continued..!
© Tomato_Potatostories@