

One day I was still young,
by then I was in senior two,
when my dad had my mom only, everything was in good terms, not until she decided to get another mistress,
my parents marrige was illegal,
I saw how my parents loved each other
not until my dad made a big decision,
he never knew ,how the outcomes will be,
though my dad got a mistress, he never left has,
everything was clear, my mom is a humble lady, coz I have never seen her fight with my dad,
One day it was evening, my sister fall sick
they took her every where but all in vain.
as time passed by, we got to realize that she was bewitched,
has the pastor continued praying, the demons on her, said that it was my dad's mistress who sent them,
that he wants us all dead,
my dad decided to sacrifice himself for the sake of his children,
He asked the pastor "pray so that the demons can attack me instead of my children"
I tried to refuse, but my dad insisted
and in return, he died instead of us,
On my side I don't take this has ascrafice
coz ever since , our life became a living hell,
When time went by,
all of us started falling sick with demon attacks,
this happened after the burial of my dad,
One day a certain Samaritan woman from no where, came to my mom,
and. told her. there is a man who can save your children, my mom was so naive about demons, but for the sake of her children she decided to go,
the man treated us, and we were all saved and safe,
Right now am on university, am grown up,
my mom took care of all my fees expenses at school
however poor she was, she didn't gave up,
Per know am not satisfied with my dad's death,
and I don't know whether a day will come and I forgive the kind of woman who made us to reach to that extent of loosing my dad,
I believe that justice will be on our side one day,
and I will be ready to testify in the presence of the "THE LORD" .

© Pheonahnassazi@gmail. com