

Echoes of yesterday
One day i was just busy fantasising of the day I will be sure of the person i am going to settle with and from nowhere a wave of the past flashed and i just laughed and said “one day i will tell a story of when i fell in love at 30, got myself “married” at 31 and divorced at 32. I was actually planning to title it “the regrets that i have” but anyway it doesn’t matter.

lets just start with a disclaimer lol. “ i was in love”. so if you ever feel that i acted stupid or i could have done everything better just remember I was in love. you know love will make you do the dumbest things but it can also shape you to be a better version of yourself, after everything the best you can do for yourself is to learn from your mistakes.

I always wanted a fairytale, a love story that would make people woow it. for me that story would actually start from how the relationship started. Before i get into the story let me introduce a character. Let me just say i have a friend that i love and care for genuinely. that person that knows everything that i do and when i say everything i mean he knows who i kiss and what happens when the door is closed, of course i have female friends but you know its different when its a guy friend. I would want to give my friend a name, yeah, lets call him Dupli. i could not find a better name so lets deal with this.

Dupli and I have a very good friendship and i do respect him, i know his girlfriends one after the other and its the same with me. He is that person that i trust with my life, you know that friend who can kill to see you safe. He can take any risks for me and i can do the same for him. lets just say the mistake i made was to allow this friendship to be ruined all because i was up to please my selfish heart, oh yeah then it was selfish.

This fateful day I was chatting with this guy late at night and this conversation led to us appreciating each other, we went on to express how we are actually compatible. Lol did i say compatible? oh maybe i don’t the meaning of the word but that night we were on the same page and there is nothing that feels good than knowing that the person you love feels the same and the best thing being you know him very well, its like falling in love with your best friend. who doesn’t want that? tell me who doesn’t want that? i bet everyone would kill for that package. That was me falling in love at the age of 30. Guys that was very sweet, we were cruising nicely and it was just butterflies everyday. Of course Dupli knew about this, he is my friend remember and i tell him everything , just that this time i told him in a different way and i guess thats when everything went down the wrong way. let me pen off this part of the story saying “ love is a beautiful thing and its worth experiencing”.
© Preshacy