

Ever wondered what makes Homo Sapiens the most powerful and intelligent creation of God????
Is it the ability to think, to eat, to walk, to write or to read. Well, basically it is a coherent alignment of the head and the heart aka HnH. The heart tells what it wants and the brain directs the methodology of achieving it.

RATIONALITY is what gets mapped with brain and EMOTIONS is what gets associated with the heart. Try skipping either of these and you lose to enjoy the charm of being the masterpiece that you were built for.

But, seldom the biggest asset turn into the heaviest leverages. Similar to the winds who have the ability to sweep breezes across million miles of land in a flash of light, the same wind has the capability of creating havoc ruining hundreds and thousands of lives in a blink of an eye.

The association of HnH is what makes us the weakest amongst all the species ever found on this planet. The potential of comprehending things pave way for the fear of failure. The skill of attaching sentiments leads to the fear of losing. The fear of being lonely, the fear of being unaccepbtable, the fear of being inexpressive, the fear of being misunderstood, the fear of being a nobody are the small parts of the huge spectrum of emotions any person experiences.

The need of the hour is to tame these little creatures to not just be the most advanced organs of our anatomical structure but also, the most disciplined one because, though the HnH makes us a 'Human' but the way we control it makes us the 'kind of humans'we aspire to be.

So, to be the vesrion you fascinate be a captain of your own biological ship and then this very HnH would become your biggest tool in fighting any volume of tides, any multiples of violent currents leading you to cross the ocean terminating in a victorious voyage!!