

Trails and Tribulations #part-3
Aishu, Entered a new environment with a novel and appealing friends.But with time this astonishing life changed upside down with one phone call.Through this call she was conveyed to love a guy named Shiva who works as a mechanic by the side of her house if not they would corner her sister named joshna,a fanciful girl.Aishu was lost in the blank hole at the very moment and she has no idea of what to do.At the same time ram,who has been loving her since 8 years also started to follow and disturb her life.Her friends helped by hiding her from ram every time he appears and she forcibly accepted proposal of Shiva for the sake of her sister and cant help than act to be as his girlfriend.During this period, one day when she went to turn on the water supply,Ashok,the driver of her landlord attacked and tried to assault her.Ashok even took violent steps to take control over her by slapping and torchuring her physically using sticks and belts,However she escaped from his cruel attack by pushing him against walls after he was poked by using pins by her and ran away as soon as she locked him in the room.She never let her parents know any of these things as they would feel low ,upset and always fight with the situations all alone.At the same time her pet ajju died which threw her into slump. After few months she wrangled with him with the truth and fought against him saying she never loved her was being blackmailed by his friend to do so and broke up with him.With this he provoked her parents saying she loved him and wanted lo elope with him.Aishus parents lost trust on her,pummeled and blacklisted her,after few months of this suffer she felt a ray of hope as her parents start to talk with her after shifting to a new place. She become completely tight lipped person after so much abide.She entered her undergraduation and she met her childhood friend kiran.As she felt warmth with his presence he became very precious to her and started sharing every single detail with him.he has a girlfriend named laya.laya always hate aishu as she was really close to him.He always shared his feeling about being torchured by laya and aishu usually consoles him and again made him patch up with her.Suddenly kiran came to aishu and conveyed about his break up.he went into depression and even attempted to suicide,aishu always tried her best to make him feel better, this continued for few months and one day aishu went to her village and kiran met laya and bade a war of words which made him upset.Later he called aishu and finally conveyed his love towards her,Aishu has a blow but by time she found that he was a cheater and he tried to betray her so she outlined him and started a new life with her friends. she never trusted any one and completely focused on her studies. what happens next in her life lets see in the next part.....☺
© Junnu