

Once upon a time there was a boy.He in 7th standard his name is kalvin. He was very unique boy. Then one day kalvin is go to river bridge at 9:45pm then suddenly one magical *orb*was crashed at near of kalvin so kalvin is afraid because kalvin has no idea to 'what is this'then kalvin slowly slowly go near of orb and orb is glow brightly and kalvin take orb in hand then some energy is feel kalvin and kalvin is gone past "_1st century_'kalvin had no idea where I am' all places are change like ancients time some minutes later kalvin realised 'i am came in past kalvin was panic because kalvin think how I gone my timeline,but kalvin not seen clearly the orb "because orb had four touch button, so kalvin touch 1st button"1st button is time travel and 2nd Is come in present timeline "so known this tricks then kalvin hardly come in present timeline but "we see one amazing thing, in past 1hour,then present 1 minute per past 1 hour"kalvin was shocked"O my god "that's amazing.This orb is very fantastic......To be continued _by karan sonar_
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