

Why I Write
Why I write?
Even thoughI am twelve and soon 13, I love to write, it has been my passion to write for the world to see my work of art, writing gives me a sense of belonging and the dream to see people reading your books and wondering
"What's she going to do next or I'd love be like her one day." and because of writco and watt pad, I feel like that dream is going to come true, I love to write stories, it puts my mind in the position of creativity and it's a wonderful feeling to know that they're are people supporting you in the journey of writing, I don't write because I can make money off of it, I write because I want people to experience the joy of using their imagination and reading to understand what the character is feeling. If you want to be something else apart from writing then I believe you can do it. You can do anything you put your mind to.

Abrianna Walters

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