

Episode 3 ♠♠

"Forget about it for now and let's study". Liam cut in. "And again,I have to take you somewhere tomorrow after school,you have to know somethings". Liam utter and start jotting down the first lesson.


Edward was walking down the aisle and dragging his feet; Suddenly he felt the air chilly around his body,the weather was cold then he suddenly feel a presence and look back and saw no one. "Maybe i was hallucinating". He mumbled and continue his journey, then he noticed he was the only one on the aisle and he felt the presence again as he was about to look back then a figure just speed fast through him with great force and Edward jolted back to life,.......... He has been dreaming, there were bead of sweat formed on his forehead due to the tension he was in, and he quickly switched on his bedroom lamp.

He went into the bathroom to wash his face with the warm water he looked up to the mirror and see himself with a silky long horn and fangs with claws dragging out of his hands and his eyes turned blue,..... out of fear he staggered back and his eyes became blurry and he slumped.

Edward opened his eyes and found himself in a spacious place which was void with no single object,he tried to stand up and found out that he was floating.

"Where am I?" Edward stuttered, looking disturbed." Am I dead?" He asked no one, his voice was just echoing back to him.

He moved to nowhere, the chilling aura came again,he felt the presence again and he turn back and sees the creature he saw in the mirror again.

"Who are you?, and wh--a-a-a---t are you?. Edward stammered.

"Are you supposed to be asking me that type of question? I am you , can't you see the resemblance " the creature asked.

" I don't look anyway like you,you have a fangs ,a horn and even a claws,so we are different,I am an human being and you are something else,so cut the crap"Edward harangue.

"The crap you say?,I can really see that you are dumb, can't you see it,it's your life in front of you ,this it who you are, there are others out there,you have to work together, because a great chaos is about to struck the world and you guys are the hope; so you really have to know somethings "the creature said.

"I think Liam said I have to know somethings, wait,.... Did you say? Wait,--- no way ----"Edward said in puzzlement.

"Yeah,he knows about everything, and he's about to show you the new life of what things are" The creature says and sigh.

" So about the message" Edward disclose.

"I think I should explain that to you, it says that you've been enlisted and also the head committee; Being enlisted means you need some training,you have to be able to control your powers, and being the head committee you must be strong and I believe you are strong and agile " The creature replied.

"So I should say you are my powers " Edward retorted.

" Hmmnmn- yes - I am" immediately the creature said that a bright light emitted from Edward's body and it shown very bright to the extent that Edward has to close his eyes, but a great force pulled the creature into Edward and Edward sprang up from the ground in the bathroom.

Edward held his head as a sharp pain ran through his head.


The next day, outside the class, Edward was walking towards the school premises and he look at his body and sees his skin looking pale, Liam was about to enter the class when he noticed his friend and run to him and helped him into the class.

"Thanks, Liam?" Edward said and walk in a fast pace towards his seat and Liam rush towards him and sit beside him.

"What's wrong?" Liam discuss while looking around Edward's body.

"Hey!, What's with the look?" Edward frown. " And again,why didn't you tell me about the institute". Edward expatiate.

"Oops, thought you will discover about everything today, but it looks like you find out sooner not later,... I'm just happy and worried that things will be getting more hectic". Liam muttered and sigh.

"So - um--- where is the K.L.E.M.T institute located?. Edward asked.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you right now, when we're done in school, you'll get to know everything yourself,hmmm". Liam plead.

"Okay,no worries". Edward replied.

♥♥ K.L.E.M.T. Institute ♥♥

The car halted at the front of a large tall wooden gate,on the gate wis written Mount Monteserrat , Edward and Liam walked towards the gate and Liam placed his palm on the transparent red glass which was placed at the left side of the gate and the red glass scanned his palm then the gate open widely then Liam and Edward strode in and the gate close by itself., inside the Mountain was written K.L.E.M.T. institute.

"Yuri ,do you think Liam would be able to do a good job?, after being assigned to look the First Mystic Demon Lord"Master Edge asked Master Yuri.

"Edge, I trained Liam myself and I make sure he mastered all his powers before setting him for a mission". Master Yuri boasted."So he said he would be here today,he called me and said he.....".

A whirlwind of a fulfilling presence filled the room and they both smiled.

"He is here " Both of them chorused in exclamation and stood up and walked to savage hall, which is the main hall and found Liam and Edward waiting in the main hall .

"Superior Liam, welcome back to the institute and you've surely did a great job by bringing in the saviour, safe and sound" Master Edge said with ease.

"It's nothing"Liam said and walked away.

"Liam! where are you going!?,Are you gonna leave me alone?, yunno I'm new here!. Edward shouted.

"Really!!, Liam scoff "you are never new here, this has always been your home and your memories " Liam replied and walked away.

"I really think I have to sort things out myself, and I have a feeling that I've lost so many things, like my memories and a strong part of me " . Edward muttered to himself,then he looked up and and lock his face with Master Yuri and his eyes turned blue,his fang also came out and his claws too.

"You" Edward growled and charged toward Yuri swaying his claws at master Yuri, while Master Yuri dodge it effortlessly and chuckled. Then both of them started throwing fireballs at each other and laughing while Master Edge stare in ecstasy,his face changed suddenly when he checked around and sees the hall was in a mess.

"Can both of you stop this childish play?". Edge yelled and storm out of the hall, and both Edward and Yuri calmed and Yuri use his powers to put the hall back to it's normal position.

"What did I just do now?. Edward asked looking messy.

"Nothing,i and my old friend just greeted each other "Master Yuri answered.

"But I don't know why I feel weak”. Edward retorted

"Yeah ,you are supposed to feel that way, because you are just awaken after so many years". Master Yuri said and sighed.

"Okay , but what do I do now?, since you said I'm supposed to feel drained of my energy, whenever I'm awakend,is it supposed to be like that for ever". Edward harangue.

"No it can't be like that forever, not until you learn how to control yourself because if he hadn't die, his formation would still be intact ". Yuri sighed and walked away leaving Edward in his thought.

The next day, Edward wake up and look up and see a chandelier shinning very bright and realized that he's on a king-sized bed, he rolled to and fro and enjoy the comfort he is receiving from the bed,then someone scoff and Edward sprang up from his silly thought and sees Liam leaning on the door, staring at his squizz face.

"Tçh tçh tçh tçh tçh,you are so dull, seems your bed at home isn't enough for you,you must be really selfish". Liam said sarcastically.

"What does that mean?,you don't have to greet me again in the morning - tsk tsk,you must be so mean, I'm sure you must have grown wings just because you are a superior, isn't it?. Edward said and get down from the bed.

"Come downstairs,we have to show you the real institute and other places ". Liam told Edward and walked away.

"Okay ". Edward voiced out reluctantly.


"Over there, that's where the superior have their special meeting". Liam said pointing to the right side.

"Wow!! that's so cool,so how many superior do we have in this institute". Edward asked.

Um--- we are five in numbers,then I can introduce you to some of them". Liam pulled Edward towards a guy who sat on the ground with his two folded legs under his butt and his elbow rested on his knees and his eyes closed,...... Edward was amused , but was suddenly held from his leg and was turned upside down with no physical object holding his his leg; and he started shouting.

"Liam,help me, my head's spinning". Edward screamed.

"Are you sure,you are a demon,you are suppose to be able to save yourself from this mer.......". Liam was interrupted by a deep bold voice .

"Who is he ?". Superior Andon asked.

"Your instincts are the one to give you the answer, not me". Liam replied rudely.

"Yunno,you are not in the position to talk to me in that manner".Andon shot back.

"Tçh tçh tçh, don't you dare shout at me ". Liam fired back at Andon.

"Hello!!". Edward signalled to the two .

"Edward can you just shut your mouth for a sec". Liam scolded..

"I think he's an intruder,so it's better he is thrown into the fire territory". Andon said staring at Edward.

"No,he isn't? but, rather he is the person we all have been waiting for". Liam replied.

"No way,he isn't as soft as this asshole". Andon said and Edward scoff.

"The reason is that he is just awaken,so he is back to start from the scratch,he is awaken once, and now fully awakened ". Liam retorted.

"Can you guys just help me?,I think migrain is hitting me " Edward pleaded.

"Sorry, master,I didn't know it was you ". Andon said and released him.

"Phew -- that was close ". Edward harangue and fall flat on the ground.

"Let's go". Liam said and pulled Edward up.

"This is Andon,the first Superior in this institute ". Liam says while Andon bow."um , do you perhaps where that douchebag is.......,I have to introduce him to Eddy ". Liam says looking around.

"He is probably drilling an a** in his room right now ". Andon said blatantly, while Edward scrunch up his face in disgust,Liam scoff when he sees the look on Edward's face.

"I think it's better and right we do it in a formal way". Andon discourse.

"What's that?". Edward asked.

" The greetings". Andon replied.

" Oh .... O.... Kay". Edward stuttered and Liam send a superior call to the superiors with his power.............
