

The Twinkling Lands(Part-1)
Far away from beyond, There is a place known as,'The Twinkling Lands' where the enlightened mind with prosperous souls lived. A boy named Larry was a devoted student and always had a tickle to learn new things.As time passed, he became more skilled and enlightened. He also belonged to a wealthy family. That's why his life was very joyful. He was also a very aced in sports and games.

One night, when he was sleeping, he heard a noise which was very sweet. The voice told him to,"wake up". So, when he woken up, he found himself in a very unknowned dimension.
The voice, he heard, was from a angel, named
'Nafalia'. She told him,"As you are very smart and kind, you have been selected to be a citizen of the twinkling lands".

Larry was astonished and asked her,"What Is The Twinkling Lands".


To be continued:-

© -Alex