

Starting out
Well here is a bit about my life and a bit about me. I normally rewrite about fantasy and adventure but now I am gonna give everyone insight on me.

A few weeks back, I found out my true passion but yet I feel stuck. I am in a job I get bored at and all I wanna do is make videos. I have only recently started my YouTube channel and I am praying to grow. Editing videos and making content is fun, hardworking but worth it. I put myself out there and share my videos hoping for people to come. Maybe I am impatient but I want a better life.

I cant handle being in an office everyday, bored to tears and unable to let my passions show. Unfortunately this world is hard and it doesn't care. I am trying to make my own path but I will tell you now its it's not easy. I say its it's not easy and its it's hard, which is fact but I wont give up. I will still keep posting videos every week... I will keep my prayers to the moon and hope for the best.

I am just posting this here to vent. I just wanted to let people know, that I am human too and I have many worries.
© MechaWolf